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  1. J

    The Time is N.O.W. - National Women's Advocacy Organization Joins the Fight for ME/CFS

    Well, all fine and good, I suppose. But I for one am sick that the largest provider of abortion in this country is affiliated with a disease I've had for almost 40 years. No thank you for any "help" they may give us. I doubt their concern goes any deeper for us then just words. Their main focus...
  2. J

    Could Donald Trump Be Good For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?

    And I agree.i just wish some would give him at least a chance. Obama was never called hateful things. President Trump has only been in office a little more than a month. Good grief!
  3. J

    Could Donald Trump Be Good For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?

    Thank you , Kathy, for your well thought out response.
  4. J

    Could Donald Trump Be Good For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?

    Thank you for at least being open to the possibility that President Trump may do some good things for us and the country. Maybe the cost of drugs will come down, also.
  5. J

    Resource A Bed of Nails for Better Sleep? Acupressure Mats, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Cort, can you still use this if you have small fiber neuropathy ?
  6. J

    Resource A Bed of Nails for Better Sleep? Acupressure Mats, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    This sounds so weird! Look forward to hearing how it works for others also , but it sounds intriguing !
  7. J

    NIH Stumbles: Asks ME/CFS Denier to Speak on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Yes, but so many of them think they are a Go-given gift of extreme intelligence to the world, and all many of them have done is just go to school for a long time, which many of us who have CFS were denied as we were too sick to keep going to college!
  8. J

    NIH Stumbles: Asks ME/CFS Denier to Speak on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    There has to be a reason he expresses so much distain! Maybe he came out very vocal to his peers in the very beginning and expressed a viewpoint that now he feels he can't back down from without looking like an idiot. But think what he'll look like when the evidence completely refutes his every...
  9. J

    NIH Stumbles: Asks ME/CFS Denier to Speak on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    This is disgusting! I feel like we're back in 1986! I wish this guy would get CFS!
  10. J

    The Great Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Gene Project

    Thank you , Cort, for a fascinating and once again encouraging report! You're the best!
  11. J

    The Great Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Gene Project

    Craaazy stuff!! How different this is all beginning to feel than back in 1980 when some of us got sick. Fascinating time to have CFS!!
  12. J

    The Dark North: Canada Denies ME/CFS Grant Because Disease is Not Real

    Yep...we thought our health care was soooo broken we needed to throw what was working away. Now look at the mess Obama care is!! I wish we would all stop putting our heads in the sand and believing that big government is the solution to our problems ! We are going to go the same way Canadian...
  13. J

    Resource Buying Drugs From Canada - A Good Choice for People With Fibromyalgia and /or ME/CFS?

    I have used Northwest Pharmacy for many years. The drug, Elmiron, used to treat Interstitial Cystitis is prohibitively expensive, even with Medicare Part D. I have never had an issue with them.
  14. J

    Dreaming Big: The Bateman-Horne ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Center Makes Good

    "To not let the resigned attitudes of our past determine our actions". Yes, for all of us who have been sick for decades, and all of the many disappointments we have had to overcome, this having hope once again is a challenge, but we can never give up the hope. We must keep ourselves open to...
  15. J

    Reversing Alzheimer's: What Could it Mean for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia?

    Wow! But where can we begin? Paleo diet? Which supplements? Eating more blueberties? I know, Cort, that you don't have the answer, but what are some things that have seemed to help others?

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