Boron for Pain? It's Working for One person


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Just got this email

I overheard someone talking about boron for pain and arthritis the other day. After doing some research I decided to try it. I have been taking 9mgs of Swanson's triple complex boron for 2 weeks and my energy has increased and I have less body pain. We'll see how it goes after taking it longer.

Has anyone written anything on boron on this site?

From me: Never heard of that but that means nothing. (LOL) PLease keep in touch and let me know how its going :) Good luck!

It's been 3 weeks and there is so much less pain in my body. I'm taking 9mg of Swanson's triple boron. Also the last 3 days I've had alot of far so good.

I emailed the website Fed Up with Fatigue about it also. She had heard of people taking borax for fibro....I'm pretty sure that is boron.



Just got this email

I overheard someone talking about boron for pain and arthritis the other day. After doing some research I decided to try it. I have been taking 9mgs of Swanson's triple complex boron for 2 weeks and my energy has increased and I have less body pain. We'll see how it goes after taking it longer.

Has anyone written anything on boron on this site?

From me: Never heard of that but that means nothing. (LOL) PLease keep in touch and let me know how its going :) Good luck!

It's been 3 weeks and there is so much less pain in my body. I'm taking 9mg of Swanson's triple boron. Also the last 3 days I've had alot of far so good.

I emailed the website Fed Up with Fatigue about it also. She had heard of people taking borax for fibro....I'm pretty sure that is boron.

Yes, boron is pretty well documented esp in RA. It has some antibiotic action and it can also help boost testosterone levels. It never did much for me personally when I tried it (I think at 6mg/day) but it has quite a lot of science behind it, as far as supplements go and is worth a shot.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Yes, boron is pretty well documented esp in RA. It has some antibiotic action and it can also help boost testosterone levels. It never did much for me personally when I tried it (I think at 6mg/day) but it has quite a lot of science behind it, as far as supplements go and is worth a shot.
Isn't that something. I had never even heard of it....

Testosterone would be good in my case.


Well-Known Member
I have been taking 6mg of the Triple Complex and then from another board member they talked about much higher dosing for a time. I now take 18mg of the caps. The OA is so long in my body, started at 18 and only advanced and I'm 79 soon. Our soils are depleted of boron just like about everything. I may be feeling less overall pain. The person who told me this buys powdered version and it's much less money. I'm doing caps for now.

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