Cause and effect.

greg hay

Active Member
As our time with this syndrome progresses we start to notice patterns and things that help and worsen us.
I notice that the following things help me without a doubt:
1. Hot humid heat and/or sauna/steam.
2. Red wine
3. Hot bath.
4. Deep tissue massage and/or hot stone therapy.
For ages i couldnt really understand why these dilators would help...i thought originally it was relaxation but other relaxation techniques no music....etc.
i am now pointing toward cowden theory of biofilm attachments to arterial walls. The 4 listed treatments i believe effect the biofilm by making it softer as heat is applied allowing a better cell nutrient transfer.
anyway started cowden protocol and.will keep you all posted.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
As our time with this syndrome progresses we start to notice patterns and things that help and worsen us.
I notice that the following things help me without a doubt:
1. Hot humid heat and/or sauna/steam.
2. Red wine
3. Hot bath.
4. Deep tissue massage and/or hot stone therapy.
For ages i couldnt really understand why these dilators would help...i thought originally it was relaxation but other relaxation techniques no music....etc.
i am now pointing toward cowden theory of biofilm attachments to arterial walls. The 4 listed treatments i believe effect the biofilm by making it softer as heat is applied allowing a better cell nutrient transfer.
anyway started cowden protocol and.will keep you all posted.
Isn't that something Greg...

I love sauna and I love heat (it relaxes me) but I can't do too much or I get PEM. Red wine puts me to sleep quickly. Unlike many people hot baths exhaust me. Haven't tried deep tissue.

I think you're onto something, though. Heat is a key for you.....I wonder, in my ignorance, if thyroid could be an issue...Has your body temperature dropped do you know?

greg hay

Active Member
Hi cort.
had my thyroid done loads of time. Only thing maybe was low normal ft4. But i dont think it would be enough to give me living hell.
in a crash there is definetly low blood flow and/or volume. Fluge and mella already detected this. So yes my feet go cold and handa numb in crash but return to normal after crash.
i think small arteries get inflammed due to autoimmune and lower blood flow. Also our red cell shapes change.


Well-Known Member
As our time with this syndrome progresses we start to notice patterns and things that help and worsen us.
I notice that the following things help me without a doubt:
1. Hot humid heat and/or sauna/steam.
2. Red wine
3. Hot bath.
4. Deep tissue massage and/or hot stone therapy.
For ages i couldnt really understand why these dilators would help...i thought originally it was relaxation but other relaxation techniques no music....etc.
i am now pointing toward cowden theory of biofilm attachments to arterial walls. The 4 listed treatments i believe effect the biofilm by making it softer as heat is applied allowing a better cell nutrient transfer.
anyway started cowden protocol and.will keep you all posted.
I do better warmer rather than cold. I really don't like it cold - at all. Funny what you are doing (other than the wine) is what my doc tells his patients to do for Lyme and Fl1953 Protozoa. He says it will really help. And breaking down the biofilm is a big part of exposing the "aliens" that live within so that the immune system and/or supplements/antibiotics can get to them to try to kill them off. For me, there is a find line as to how hot heat and length of time I can take. Too much and too long and my POTS starts up.
As for thyroid, I have all the symptoms of dysfunction. But not until this year are my labs showing it. However years ago, a progressive doc thought I was having a T4 to T3 conversion issue and too much RT3. Tried to do the titration and couldn't pull my body temps up. My heart and sympathetic system went into over drive. So couldn't pursue it any longer. Now T3s lab wise showing low. (I question low iodine for this issue. Have recently upped mine. One thing needed to supplement as a vegan.)


greg hay

Active Member
Red wine can bring some downsides alcohol intolerance etc....but i think it manages somehow to penetrate the biofilm fibrin and gets energy into our cells. Or it makes it.softish.
my blood pressure.shot.from 130/80 to 250/110 after a few minutes on the bike at kdm clinic.
the biofilms attached to arteries dont allow artery flexibility and proper dilation. This becomes.easier under high heat. Kdm is using 10mg b12 shots now to biofilm bust.
2 down....22 to go.
cos of the poor arterial dilation creates high d lactate constantly as red blood cells are not efficient at oxygen distribution and co2 removal. We are chugged up with lactic.


Well-Known Member

Is she addressing WHY the biofilms are there in the first place? Dr Fry is the bioscientist doctor who discovered the Protozoa FL1953 (it has another name too) and he feels this is one of the big causes of the biofilms. There are very few organisms that form biofilms. This Protozoa is related to malaria. And can be gotten from Mosquitos. Tonight, I just read an article that high doses of B12 is being used to help kill malaria. Low doses feeds it - but high doses kill it. Maybe I need to get some shots instead of oral. I'm positive for this Protozoa and Lyme with confections. He has found that some people have this but their immune system seems to keep them suppressed without issues or symptoms. So for sure we have to work on our immune systems.

He also feels this is one of the causes of POTS. There is vein dysfunction because of the biofilms not allowing proper construction and dilation and the clogging of the veins with the biofilm adherence to the walls of veins. And causing blood flow issues.

The other biggie to break up biofilm is Lumberkinase. You do this before herbal or antibiotic use to breakdown the biofilm so they can do their job to kill these organisms that are housed within them.


greg hay

Active Member
kdm is kenny de of leading cfs specialist if not the leading one globally. Hes treating yolanda foster...cher in the past.
biofim coming from lyme and a coinfection. I already got positive for lyme antibody and chylamdia.
Forget oral b12....absorption very poor. 10mg shots are very gp thinks im nuts. Take 2 a week on top of his protocol.
i use cowden protocol to help rid infection.
Cowden uses serraptase to eat film..similar to lubro.
cowden better than abx imho...broader spectrum and its eases into action.

greg hay

Active Member
The doc you mention is spot on with vein biofilm adherence.
kdm reckons without b12 jags cant break biofilms fully.
plaquenil is anti malarial drug works very well on sjorgens people. Maybe they have proteaza.
our immune system is overworked thats all.
rid the infection and immune system revert to mean homeostatis.
ldn and stuff just mask problem....not treat root cause.


Well-Known Member
I retread your post - sorry about repeating some things you already said. Guess it doesn't hurt to emphasize some things.

But here is something else I find interesting about what you said - about co2. I love to snorkel and swim. When I do in the ocean I get a POTS attack and severe air hunger to the point of hyperventilating. I did research on this and found that it is very common to rebreath co2 from your snorkel tube. I was trying to say it was the salt water and dehydration but then figured out it was too much carbon dioxide. The hyperventilating making it a starvation for O2. Now knowing about the Protozoa and biofilm - the cold water could have had an effect too. Not to mention the pressure on full body causing already over constricted veins to constrict more along with the cold water causing constriction too.


greg hay

Active Member
Malaria hates quinine too.
you can buy powder and make a. Drink.
tonic water too low.
need around 3lites a day of tonic for it to make effect.
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greg hay

Active Member
Yes most of us get air.hunger to.some degree.
its a co2 build up.
only way to combat it is drink around 3 or so pints of lemon water per day. 2 lemons squeeze into each pint. Bicarb do same job but its very hard on gut
this will help remove lactic state from blood by alkalising. Also our body makes us feel air hunger cos its almost in panic state with anxiety.from infection.


Well-Known Member
I use Arteminsin. Works similar to quinine.

I recently started using high dose turmeric (curcurmin caused too strong of a herx with me) and black cumin seed in green tea. Wow do you feel good after that. Tons of energy. Also helps to kill these Protozoa. And helps with MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome).



Well-Known Member
I do that too. I drink lemon water throughout the day. Good to help liver detox. Very important thing for me. I don't feel good without it.

What other tidbits do you have?


greg hay

Active Member
Well just cowden and.kdm treatment. In addition to cowden.and abx he suggest the following.
liposomal 1g vitc .....they are.amazing high absorption.
choline dha.
evening primose 4g daily....this helps.reshape rbc so they are more easily passable in our narrow capilleries.
any sort of good 3...olive etc. Will help our be less.sticky and help alleviate symptoms.
my theory on cfs is its a natural body protection where our autoimmune systems tightens.the small capilleries to protect organ from pathogen.
add on top biofilm and you have a real mess.on your hands

greg hay

Active Member
Also i eat lots of fruit and veg. As much fruit as possible.
I dont buy into that stoneage tout....
we are sick and need carbs and fruit.
obvious stay away from processed sugars and foods.


Well-Known Member
I use kelp too. But think I need to use more. Take pill form don't like taste of seaweeds.

I just started treating for possible pyrolouria. Which includes evening primrose oil and zinc (some also need B6).

I use an alga source if DHA.

I wonder if grape seed would work instead of the wine. I don't do well with sulfites or any alcohol. Grape seed extract is also a vasodilator. But, I have to be careful too much dilation and POTS is an issue.

But one thing you may not know is Dr Fry found that fats feed them. Makes them fat and happy. Magnesium also helps to reinforce the strength of the biofilm. He doesn't want us to even soak in Epsom Salts because it's magnesium.

I have been trying to find a source of choline that wasn't soy. I don't do well with soy. I guess there is one made from sunflower.

Also, my doc is a huge promoter of being Lower fat, whole foods vegan. If you look in to the science and how our bodies breakdown fats and protein (or don't break them down properly). Also dairy is one of the first things that MS patients are told to come off of due to faulty immune function. I think the diet saved my life. I reversed CKD ( chronic kidney disease).



Well-Known Member
This is exciting to talk to someone who is basically doing the same things I am - even down to the diet.


greg hay

Active Member
I dont have to worry to much about over dilation.
My normal resting bp is 130.80 and i never get.pots.
lowest i can get is 115.65 early morning awakening.
red wine drop it 15-20 points (top figure) easily.

red wine is a mental.vasodilator.
high volume reservatrol might do the same job.

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