Steve Connolly
New Member
Hi everyone. Not Started thread before, so I hope this is the right place.
In light of the fascinating and optimistic Cortene study which Cort is currently blogging about, and many seem enthusiastic about participation and anticipation of results, it occurs to me that if the hypothesis is correct then there may be something which can be done in the meantime. Whether people would want to before the results of the first CFS study, well I would. The chronic stress hypothesis absolutely fits for me, and also explains all my other secondary and tertiary illnesses.
So, it would support the following already well supported therapies:
- Limbic retraining (See DNRS, Lightening Process, Optimum Health Clinic, Dan Neuffer's ANS Rewire, and Gupta. These all seem to follow a largely similar approach of reducing stress response through neuroplasticity/limbic system rewiring) On the basis that reduced stress capacity self-perpetuates the condition, then reducing stresses, and individual's responses to stress can minimise the perpetuation to some degree or other...
- In keeping with this theory; Meditation, mindfulness and Yoga seem intrinsic elements of many of these approaches.
What else might help of the Cortene Hypothesis is correct?
- Well it occurs to me that if Serotonin is the antagonist in the condition, then maybe there are ways to sweep this up which would help? I understand that activated charcoal can reduce serotonin. I know some people take 5-HTP and Tryptophan to increase Serotonin, but does anyone know of any other Serotonin reducers?
It would be great to compile a list of things which help, and anyone's experiences in this area. I for one am going to have a go at this.
In light of the fascinating and optimistic Cortene study which Cort is currently blogging about, and many seem enthusiastic about participation and anticipation of results, it occurs to me that if the hypothesis is correct then there may be something which can be done in the meantime. Whether people would want to before the results of the first CFS study, well I would. The chronic stress hypothesis absolutely fits for me, and also explains all my other secondary and tertiary illnesses.
So, it would support the following already well supported therapies:
- Limbic retraining (See DNRS, Lightening Process, Optimum Health Clinic, Dan Neuffer's ANS Rewire, and Gupta. These all seem to follow a largely similar approach of reducing stress response through neuroplasticity/limbic system rewiring) On the basis that reduced stress capacity self-perpetuates the condition, then reducing stresses, and individual's responses to stress can minimise the perpetuation to some degree or other...
- In keeping with this theory; Meditation, mindfulness and Yoga seem intrinsic elements of many of these approaches.
What else might help of the Cortene Hypothesis is correct?
- Well it occurs to me that if Serotonin is the antagonist in the condition, then maybe there are ways to sweep this up which would help? I understand that activated charcoal can reduce serotonin. I know some people take 5-HTP and Tryptophan to increase Serotonin, but does anyone know of any other Serotonin reducers?
It would be great to compile a list of things which help, and anyone's experiences in this area. I for one am going to have a go at this.