I found another cure!

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Ha ! We are all laughing but I had a consult with a double board certified doc ( in Medical Nutrition !) and he told me t could eat all the meat, bacon etc I wanted but avoid the carbs. I was in shock. Then, Cort mentioned this ketogenic diet thing.

Well, after a lot reading I found that some people lack the enzyme that transports glucose across the blood brain barrier. The CNS can use ketones for energy production, and they do not need that special enzyme to cross the blood brain barrier.

Crazy, huh?


Well-Known Member
Well, after a lot reading I found that some people lack the enzyme that transports glucose across the blood brain barrier. The CNS can use ketones for energy production, and they do not need that special enzyme to cross the blood brain barrier.
I feel better being ketogenic than getting my energy from glucose, but I didn't know that this was the theory behind it. that's the second thing I've learned from you today, @Merida ! at this pace I'm gonna be super smart by the end of the week! haha :D


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High animal protein diets scare me. I had to go vegan for Chronic Kidney Disease. I reversed it to normal. Also, was told to go vegan to moderate my autoimmune system. When there are autoimmune issues, some feel that the body has a hard time distinguishing proteins. It attacks foreign proteins and then turns on self and attacks our own protein. I recently tried to go back on a very low amount of animal protein and started having kidney pains, more mast cell issues and higher POTS symptoms. Back to being stricter. I never was perfect with it. But being more vegan/vegetarian is better for me. You do have to be very determined to get adequate vegetable protein.



Active Member
But being more vegan/vegetarian is better for me.

At the end of the day, you have to go with what works for you. We've all heard arguments for both sides of many dietary stories, arguments based on nutrition, ethics, evolution, anthropology, etc. But if something makes you feel sick, none of that really matters.

For me, I was shocked at how many things felt better for me when I reduced or eliminated various plant based foods - grains, nuts, seeds, starches, etc. I digest better, I am more regular and more balanced, and I'm not hungry all the time. Also, I find it so much simpler when I'm not worrying about variety, and shopping and prepping and cooking...etc.

But that's me. If that doesn't work for someone else, they should do what works for them. Live and let live...

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