Nutritional Genomics and My Complete Recovery


Well-Known Member
  • Chronic Fatigue
    • My ME sysmptoms fluctuated but there was 9 month where I was be ridden.
    • My mother was diagnosed with ME by the Mayo Clinic in the 90's
  • OCD/Anxiety/Depression (Cycling but mostly anxiety)
    • Hospitalized Twice
    • Currently on Disability for Mood Disorder
  • Dermatitis
  • IBS-D
  • Parathesia (MS?)
    • There was a possible MS Diagnosis once but could not afford the MRI
    • Difficulty Swallowing as well
  • Chronic Pain on left side
  • Costochondritis
    • This might have been fascia pain
  • High Cholesterol
    • Early heart disease in my family, three of us had heart attacks before 50, brother died at 49.
  • POTS
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Sulfite Sensitivity (Brain fog)
    • I take Molybdenum as needed
My Treatment
  • Biotin
    • This cured my Seb Derm and also lowered my cholestrerol
    • 5000mcg 2x a day, Sometimes I take three a day depending on symptoms
  • Flavin Mononucleotide
    • This was the big one, cured my Anxiety, IBS-D, POTS, Palpitations, Parestesia, Fatigue
    • 25mg sublingual Flavin mononucleotide at least twice a day, but more as needed.
  • Low fat, 3/1 Omega 6/Omega 3 Diet
    • Lowered Cholesterol
    • Eased Seb Derm
  • Low Amine Diet
  • Low Stress environment
    • Eases anxiety and hyperimmune system and Oxidative stress in general.
  • Molyebdemun as needed
    • This is for sulfite sensitivity
I came to find my rather simple treatment by looking at my own genetics.

My main issues stems from a great need for riboflavin and its reduced cofactors flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). This was because of slow rioboflavin kinase (RFK), monoamine oxidase (MAOA, MAOB), and slow Nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) genes.

I also had slow Biotinidase (BTD) genes and Holocarboxylase Synthease (HLCS) genes which causes energy issues and lipid issues. Taking the Biotin fixed both of those.

The Molybdenum is for mu SUOX gene and my sulfite sensitivity. If I drank certain wines in the past I would become extremely fatigued. It does not happen any more. I feel this is important because it turns sulfites into sulfate. sulfates are use to transport minerals around the body.

I all of these according to my symptoms. If I start having more heart palps or anxiety i take more FMN. If my seb derm starts showing up I take more Biotin of change the fats in my diet.

I also take P5P (B6) on occasion, specifically when I have lower back pain and I am depressed. This stimulates the Transulfurations pathway to make glutathione, increases all the catecholamines (serotonin, dopamine) and also stimulates the Kynerunine pathways to make more NAD (B3, Niacin).

It has been 18 months and I have been symptom free and i feel and look like I was 20 years younger. I can do 30 push up easy now when in the past 9 would have floored me. And this is not because of practice, it is fully from the supplements. The change happened in a week.


Well-Known Member
Hmm we have some similar symptoms. I found the most curious the Costochondritis which I just discovered I have. It gets better with Ibuprofen though.
How did you learn about genetics enough to create your own treatment?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
  • Chronic Fatigue
    • My ME sysmptoms fluctuated but there was 9 month where I was be ridden.
    • My mother was diagnosed with ME by the Mayo Clinic in the 90's
  • OCD/Anxiety/Depression (Cycling but mostly anxiety)
    • Hospitalized Twice
    • Currently on Disability for Mood Disorder
  • Dermatitis
  • IBS-D
  • Parathesia (MS?)
    • There was a possible MS Diagnosis once but could not afford the MRI
    • Difficulty Swallowing as well
  • Chronic Pain on left side
  • Costochondritis
    • This might have been fascia pain
  • High Cholesterol
    • Early heart disease in my family, three of us had heart attacks before 50, brother died at 49.
  • POTS
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Sulfite Sensitivity (Brain fog)
    • I take Molybdenum as needed
My Treatment
  • Biotin
    • This cured my Seb Derm and also lowered my cholestrerol
    • 5000mcg 2x a day, Sometimes I take three a day depending on symptoms
  • Flavin Mononucleotide
    • This was the big one, cured my Anxiety, IBS-D, POTS, Palpitations, Parestesia, Fatigue
    • 25mg sublingual Flavin mononucleotide at least twice a day, but more as needed.
  • Low fat, 3/1 Omega 6/Omega 3 Diet
    • Lowered Cholesterol
    • Eased Seb Derm
  • Low Amine Diet
  • Low Stress environment
    • Eases anxiety and hyperimmune system and Oxidative stress in general.
  • Molyebdemun as needed
    • This is for sulfite sensitivity
I came to find my rather simple treatment by looking at my own genetics.

My main issues stems from a great need for riboflavin and its reduced cofactors flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). This was because of slow rioboflavin kinase (RFK), monoamine oxidase (MAOA, MAOB), and slow Nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) genes.

I also had slow Biotinidase (BTD) genes and Holocarboxylase Synthease (HLCS) genes which causes energy issues and lipid issues. Taking the Biotin fixed both of those.

The Molybdenum is for mu SUOX gene and my sulfite sensitivity. If I drank certain wines in the past I would become extremely fatigued. It does not happen any more. I feel this is important because it turns sulfites into sulfate. sulfates are use to transport minerals around the body.

I all of these according to my symptoms. If I start having more heart palps or anxiety i take more FMN. If my seb derm starts showing up I take more Biotin of change the fats in my diet.

I also take P5P (B6) on occasion, specifically when I have lower back pain and I am depressed. This stimulates the Transulfurations pathway to make glutathione, increases all the catecholamines (serotonin, dopamine) and also stimulates the Kynerunine pathways to make more NAD (B3, Niacin).

It has been 18 months and I have been symptom free and i feel and look like I was 20 years younger. I can do 30 push up easy now when in the past 9 would have floored me. And this is not because of practice, it is fully from the supplements. The change happened in a week.
Wow...That's amazing. Congratulations.

I have a problem with wine and beer...

Which genetic test or tests did you take?
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Well-Known Member
I had 23andme done. I had some problems but my doctor said it was mainly that B12 + Folate absoption problem.
I don't think he has full knowledge on that subject though...


Well-Known Member
I had 23andme done. I had some problems but my doctor said it was mainly that B12 + Folate absoption problem.
I don't think he has full knowledge on that subject though...
B12/folate has made an enormous difference in my health. When I got up to a saturation of B12, my neurological symptoms, including terrible insomnia, resolved. I'd had intermittent insomnia since childhood, chronic and debilitating since ME. I now get to sleep easily, stay asleep, and return to sleep if awakened. Bliss.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
B12/folate has made an enormous difference in my health. When I got up to a saturation of B12, my neurological symptoms, including terrible insomnia, resolved. I'd had intermittent insomnia since childhood, chronic and debilitating since ME. I now get to sleep easily, stay asleep, and return to sleep if awakened. Bliss.

have I told you how much I hate you that you can sleep? :D


Well-Known Member
I've got:
MAO A R297R rs6323 T +/+
MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AA +/+
BHMT-08 rs651852 TT +/+

VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-
VDR Taq rs731236 AG +/-
MTR A2756G rs1805087 AG +/-
MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-
BHMT-02 rs567754 CT +/-
CBS C699T rs234706 AG +/-
CBS A360A rs1801181 AG +/-

I don't understand much of anything here... At this moment I'm only taking B12 and Methyl Folate for MTHFR mutations.

What got me most curious was the MAO A R297R rs6323 T +/+
I've read about it and it's relation to Serotonin, dopamine etc...
  • I'm gonna try a long shot but is there a chance that this mutation might be responsible for my huge decay after stoping Duloxetine (Took for 2-3 months with LOTS of side effects. I didn't stop cold turkey)?

I mean from being able to lead a normal life (with lots of pains) to being house bound a month after stopping it.

If you got any idea about it or anything else of my mutations I would trully apreciate it. Thanks :)
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Well-Known Member
have I told you how much I hate you that you can sleep? :D
Yes, you have. Best reason I can think of to be hated.:joyful:

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Folk When I have the energy I'll post my 23andresults. The first thing my NP had me do was a few months of molybdenum for my CBS mutations. Then she had me on low dose methylation. I never felt any benefit from it, and as I increased the dosage I had lots of problems.

It's so beyond me I just don't even bother with it.

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