I sent a couple of emails over the last couple of years for her to do an ME/CFS segment on her OWN network. I think I e-mailed a link to Dr. Montoya's fMRI scans. I may have sent the SEID information because I sent that to lots of media outlets too. I also may have included links of CIACM from youtube and can't remember sending anything on Forgotten Plague but I will be sending tweets when it is released to all that I did with "Invisible Illness". I also tweeted her the "Invisible Illness Palo Alto" youtube link to her and OWN. (I tweeted it about 320 times.) I don't know if I ever sent anything to O Magazine.
I remember an e-mail from them at one point saying they cover many important topics, blah, blah. Whether they said anything about covering ME/CFS before I can't remember.
I sent "Invisible Illness" out to EVERYONE and May 12th Day to EVERYONE. FP is up next. I do my advocacy my way because I just feel that when I tweet or e-mail them (Celebrities, news media (tv news stations local and national, talk shows; HBO, John Oliver, Colbert, The View, Rosie O'; Cher, Kathy Griffin, Howard Bloom, Howard Stern, Today Show, The Whitehouse, POTUS, The Queen, NIH, NHS, CDC, Insurance Companies, Researchers working on ME/CFS in case they missed it, newspaper after newspaper and radio after radio station, Universities and Hospitals around the world, Ireland and Australia Health organizations, medical journal after medical journal, CNN, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Dr. Gupta and Zakari, Al Jazeera America, Mark Zuckerberg through FB; Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bloomberg, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden's wife, on Twitter, Governors, Senators and on and on, no one can ever say... "We didn't know." Of course they have people that look at this stuff for them but I try to reach them with the most moving or interesting information like the "Invisible Illness" mini-doc, SEID IOM link and the Docs.
Looking forward to tweeting and e-mailing and FBooking "Forgotten Plagues" release information.
This link should show you mostly the "Invisible Illness" mini-doc, I think it is set to public but I stink with settings. It took me a while but I got it out there. I will use all the same twitter accounts to send to again for FP.