PQQ - Anti-oxidant/Mitochondrial Booster - Anybody Tried It?


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Touted as the next big thing (????_

Is PQQ The Next Nutrient Superstar?

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a novel vitamin-like compound found in plant foods that is showing a wide range of benefits to brain and body function based upon preclinical studies and initial clinical evaluation.1Although PQQ is not currently viewed as a vitamin, it is likely to be considered an essential nutrient in the future.

What exactly does PQQ do?

PQQ stimulates growth and serves as a cofactor for a special class of enzymes involved in cellular function including cellular growth, development, differentiation, and survival.1

PQQ is also as an extremely powerful antioxidant capable of catalyzing continuous cycling (the ability to perform repeated oxidation and reduction reactions) to a much greater degree compared to other antioxidants. For example, PQQ is able to carry out 20,000 catalytic conversions compared to only 4 for vitamin C.1,2
Are there any food sources of PQQ?

PQQ has been found in all plant foods analyzed to date.1 PPQ-rich foods include parsley, green peppers, kiwi fruit, papaya and tofu.3 These foods contain about 2-3 mcg per 100 grams. Green tea provides about the same amount per 4 oz serving.

Is PQQ an essential nutrient?

Based upon the current research there is no question that it plays a critical role in human nutrition.1,4 When PQQ is omitted from chemically defined diets in mammals it leads to growth impairment, compromised immune status, and abnormal reproductive function.5 The nutritional requirements of PQQ are probably in line with folic acid and biotin in terms of micrograms per day versus milligrams per day. Like essential nutrients, the immune system seems particularly sensitive to low levels of PQQ. With PQQ deprivation there are multiple defects in immune function and loss of white blood cells to respond properly.1

What is the most important function of PQQ?

One key action of PQQ involves a direct action on key enzymes involved in the energy producing compartments in our cells – the mitochondria. As a result PQQ improves energy production.1,6 In addition to PQQ’s powerful antioxidant effect protects against mitochondrial damage. But, PQQ not only protects mitochondria from oxidative stress—it also promotes the spontaneous generation of new mitochondria within aging cells, a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis or mitochondriogenesis.1,7,8 This effect is a “fountain of youth” for mitochondrial function.

What are the clinical uses of PQQ?

Current research has primarily focused on its ability to protect memory and cognition in both aging animals and humans. Here are some of the effects noted in the animal studies:
  • PQQ reverses cognitive impairment caused by chronic oxidative stress and improve performance on memory tests in animal models.1,9
  • PQQ supplementation stimulates the production and release of nerve growth factor.1,1
  • PQQ protects against the self-oxidation of the DJ-1 gene, an early step in the onset of Parkinson’s disease.1,11
  • PQQ protects brain cells against oxidative damage in models of strokes.1,12
  • PQQ blocks the formation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), a major source of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) that are so damaging to brain cells.1,13


New Member
I take this along with a full mitochondrial disease regimen since being diagnosed with mito. I can't really speak to it specifically because I made several changes at around the same time on the specialist's recommendation (the PQQ was based on my own research, not recommended) and while I felt some small improvement, it was nothing earth-shaking and was most likely due to the combination of recommended supplements. Wish I could say it was a magic bullet, but it's not, at least not for me. I'm going to keep taking it because I can afford it for now and in case it does help, I need all the help I can get.


I am trialing the liquid version by Bulletproof. It's called Unfair Advantage. It tastes awful but it does seem to have some effect. It's early days but I seem to have more stamina when I take it before walking or gardening etc. It's not stimulating though. Time will tell though if it becomes a permanent part of my regime.

I had tried the capsule form from LEF previously and never noticed any results. Except I think I may have overdosed on B6 when I got their combo product.


New Member
I cut my supplements intake a year ago. But got ill quite often from the beginning of October. Started rethinking and ordered alpha lipoic acid and vita pqq Again. I really seem to feel a difference energy wise. last week I was the only one without a cold in the family. Pqq seems to work best in combination with coq10 according to the bottle. Vita pqq contains also coq10


Active Member
Didnt notice much. I take a lot of mito supps though. I think with me POTS and lack of blood flow to the brain cripple me.


Well-Known Member
I take it at Klimas' suggestion. IIRC, she said I should get my CoQ-10 levels up before adding PQQ for the best effect. PQQ supposedly helps us generate more mitochondria, but I guess if you don't have enough CoQ-10 for the mitochondria you already have to work properly, how smart is it to try to grow new mitochondria that also wouldn't be able to function properly?

Is it helping? Hard to say. My best guess is that it's a small, slow, steady improvement.

Very high dose CoQ10 is what's working for me to improve (not eliminate) PEM. At 3000 mg I have stopped a PEM episode in its tracks. :jawdrop: That's the highest dose I've seen used in mitochondrial disease and even then it's not common. I do best at that level. I can do significantly more before I PEM. It has not eliminated PEM by any means -- just given me more range.

I frequently reduce the CoQ10 dose because the stuff is freakin' expensive, but over a few weeks I start to fade and I have to go up again. Apparently I haven't found the right continuous dose for me.

When I added the PQQ, I did not have a large or rapid response. I think I'm able to do a little more consistently, but as we all know, with everything going on with us, it's hard to know for sure what's doing what, especially if the response is subtle rather than sudden and obvious.


I take it at Klimas' suggestion. IIRC, she said I should get my CoQ-10 levels up before adding PQQ for the best effect. PQQ supposedly helps us generate more mitochondria, but I guess if you don't have enough CoQ-10 for the mitochondria you already have to work properly, how smart is it to try to grow new mitochondria that also wouldn't be able to function properly?

Is it helping? Hard to say. My best guess is that it's a small, slow, steady improvement.

Very high dose CoQ10 is what's working for me to improve (not eliminate) PEM. At 3000 mg I have stopped a PEM episode in its tracks. :jawdrop: That's the highest dose I've seen used in mitochondrial disease and even then it's not common. I do best at that level. I can do significantly more before I PEM. It has not eliminated PEM by any means -- just given me more range.

I frequently reduce the CoQ10 dose because the stuff is freakin' expensive, but over a few weeks I start to fade and I have to go up again. Apparently I haven't found the right continuous dose for me.

When I added the PQQ, I did not have a large or rapid response. I think I'm able to do a little more consistently, but as we all know, with everything going on with us, it's hard to know for sure what's doing what, especially if the response is subtle rather than sudden and obvious.
Do you notice a difference in brand and form of CoQ10? Ubiquinol vs ubiquinone?


Well-Known Member
Do you notice a difference in brand and form of CoQ10? Ubiquinol vs ubiquinone?
I've found oil-filled capsules work best, not surprisingly. Some people take powdered with a separate oil, but that hasn't really worked for me. The brand that seems best for me is Healthy Origins, believe it or not.

Dr K told me that it appears some of us have conversion problems, so it's best to take some of both forms -- ubiquinol and ubiquinone. She said to start at half and half and adjust from there. That is, if you feel it's not working well, try changing the balance before you try increasing the dose. You might need mostly one or mostly the other and there's no point in taking more of the one you're not converting well.

She said to assume the ubiquinol is 3x as effective as ubiquinone. So, for an 1800 mg ubiquinone-equivalent, start with 900 mg ubiquinone and 300 mg ubiquinol. At the moment, I'm taking 600 mg ubiquinol (1800 mg equivalent) and 600 mg of ubiquinone for a total of 2400 mg equivalent.

She also said to make sure that the brand you buy has Kaneka manufactured COQ10, no substitutes.

CoQ10 can keep people up at night, like caffeine. Best to take it all by mid-day. I take some at breakfast and some at lunch.

I do not recommend everyone start at very high doses. First, you may not need it and the stuff is pricey, so you want to take the lowest effective dose. Second, as sensitive as most of us are, it's smarter to start low and work up. I've heard people say 200-400 mg ubiquinone equivalent works for them. I wouldn't start higher than that.


New Member
Adding PQQ, nicotinamide riboside, and a working sleep therapy program to my large regimen last winter are the only three big changes I have made for my ME/CFS of twenty years. For the very first time I am not spending July and August (heat and high ozone levels where I live) in bed. I should add I did add LDN one and 1/2 years ago and since it relieved anxiety I just continued; so that may be playing a part.


Well-Known Member
I find the supplement pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) 20 mg before bed effective for deepening sleep, and making sleep more restful, but I find for me PQQ does make my dreams very slightly more vivid / disturbed.

This study found that PQQ helped fatigue, tension-anxiety, depression, anger-hostility and confusion, appetite, sleep, obsession and pain, with the full effect appearing after 8 weeks supplementing daily with 20 mg of PQQ.


New Member
I take it at Klimas' suggestion. IIRC, she said I should get my CoQ-10 levels up before adding PQQ for the best effect. PQQ supposedly helps us generate more mitochondria, but I guess if you don't have enough CoQ-10 for the mitochondria you already have to work properly, how smart is it to try to grow new mitochondria that also wouldn't be able to function properly?

Is it helping? Hard to say. My best guess is that it's a small, slow, steady improvement.

Very high dose CoQ10 is what's working for me to improve (not eliminate) PEM. At 3000 mg I have stopped a PEM episode in its tracks. :jawdrop: That's the highest dose I've seen used in mitochondrial disease and even then it's not common. I do best at that level. I can do significantly more before I PEM. It has not eliminated PEM by any means -- just given me more range.

I frequently reduce the CoQ10 dose because the stuff is freakin' expensive, but over a few weeks I start to fade and I have to go up again. Apparently I haven't found the right continuous dose for me.

When I added the PQQ, I did not have a large or rapid response. I think I'm able to do a little more consistently, but as we all know, with everything going on with us, it's hard to know for sure what's doing what, especially if the response is subtle rather than sudden and obvious.
I saw this post last week and immediately ordered
I've found oil-filled capsules work best, not surprisingly. Some people take powdered with a separate oil, but that hasn't really worked for me. The brand that seems best for me is Healthy Origins, believe it or not.

Dr K told me that it appears some of us have conversion problems, so it's best to take some of both forms -- ubiquinol and ubiquinone. She said to start at half and half and adjust from there. That is, if you feel it's not working well, try changing the balance before you try increasing the dose. You might need mostly one or mostly the other and there's no point in taking more of the one you're not converting well.

She said to assume the ubiquinol is 3x as effective as ubiquinone. So, for an 1800 mg ubiquinone-equivalent, start with 900 mg ubiquinone and 300 mg ubiquinol. At the moment, I'm taking 600 mg ubiquinol (1800 mg equivalent) and 600 mg of ubiquinone for a total of 2400 mg equivalent.

She also said to make sure that the brand you buy has Kaneka manufactured COQ10, no substitutes.

CoQ10 can keep people up at night, like caffeine. Best to take it all by mid-day. I take some at breakfast and some at lunch.

I do not recommend everyone start at very high doses. First, you may not need it and the stuff is pricey, so you want to take the lowest effective dose. Second, as sensitive as most of us are, it's smarter to start low and work up. I've heard people say 200-400 mg ubiquinone equivalent works for them. I wouldn't start higher than that.

I read your post last week and immediately ordered the two types of Healthy Origins CoQ10. I particularly paid attention to your source of the suggestion--Dr Klimas.

Since then, I bumped into info on mitochondria problems. This link will (hopefully) take you to the "Mitochondrial Toxicity" page on a mito site: https://shar.es/1ByDfX Wow! Everything on that page applies to me (4 years of low-dose minocycline for inflammatory arthritis, annual water fasting also for inflammatory arthritis, and anesthesia/surgery, which I believe kicked off my CFS last year).

Anyway, re CoQ10, the page encourages use, but guards against too much--suggests less than 100mg/day. Dr Klimas is into the mito connection in CFS (I think), so why the HUGE discrepancy in suggested dose?

Also, page suggests GABA, antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds all bad. Eeeek!

Any thoughts?


New Member
Hi again--

I just re-read the page (forgetful brain!), which suggests ubiquinol should be at 10mg/day. Also warns against Ketogenic diet!

My head is exploding with too much contradictory information!

On another topic, I'm scheduled to go to Workwell in August for CPET testing. I already paid, but now understand that the test doesn't allows show helpful results. Nervous, too, about after effects--I can't afford to get worse--I live alone and can barely take care of myself. Frustrating.

Would love any suggestions! Thanks!


New Member
Hi again--

I just re-read the page (forgetful brain!), which suggests ubiquinol should be at 10mg/day. Also warns against Ketogenic diet!

My head is exploding with too much contradictory information!

On another topic, I'm scheduled to go to Workwell in August for CPET testing. I already paid, but now understand that the test doesn't allows show helpful results. Nervous, too, about after effects--I can't afford to get worse--I live alone and can barely take care of myself. Frustrating.

Would love any suggestions! Thanks!

(Sorry--typo from above--should say " test doesn't ALWAYS show helpful results ")

Ruth Kelly

Saw PQQ and had to comment. I've taken it for years along with so many other mito-supporting supplements I can't say whether it's doing much. I read somewhere from some doc's website that if you have no gallbladder then biopqq is a must so I stick with it given the fact I have two great reasons to do so. I take it along with ubiquinol, of course.

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