Sluggish Bowels, From Young to Now


Well-Known Member

For me from Young Person to Now....and yes I know we do not talk health but I'll try this and see if it hits anyone:

I've tried I thought everything...from magnesium, colonics, laxatives, stool softeners, Vit C big doses, I had 2 bowel blockages in my 40's, and just started with a Herbal Colon Cleanse recommended by another online friend, and so so disappointed,,,,it's NOT doing the job I had hoped for.

So talking to my daughter and she's had issues that I didn't realize with the constipation and she says: Global Healing Oxy Powder does it for her....reading about it and reading other reviews on Amazon, people are getting rid of years of caked on "crap" from using this product: Global Healing Oxy Powder.

Constipation is Huge in our country and so much is from a lot of the drugs that so many are taking. Ibuprofen is an offender and I know this and work to keep it to 1 every 6 hrs...but take this otc pain med for years!!!!! Carrying around extra weight from just the colon, omg!!!!!! And so toxic.

Here is just one review out of 1000's on Amazon:

Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2018
Size: 120 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase

Absolutely amazing, works! I was considering going to the doctor for a partial obstruction I couldn't move for 2 weeks. Took every type or laxative, mineral oil, miralax, dulcolax, magnesium, suppositories, enemas and even a hydrotherapy colonic, aloe, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar! Finally ordered this online and success! No cramping or pain, nice and smooth. I took 6 at bedtime and was up at 2am to finally go. What a relief!""""

Many say find the dose that works with your system and this is so true. Stay close to bathroom...

I'm waiting for my first order to arrive, it can't come soon enough... In the meantime, I'm using the herbal cleanse and the Vit C etc and it's better than nothing I'm thinking.

And Drinking more warm water thru the day is Vital....and I've eliminated foods that are major cloggers of our systems. But years of build up...grrrrrrrrr

Now if you are all tip top in this area, just ignore...

And I have NO relationship with this company or their product......


Well-Known Member

Think about this one folks and people don't like to talk about this subject and my daughter and I were talking about this hush hush subject last night, and she's had a history of laxative abuse....millions do.

How Much Poop Trapped in Your Body

And to think of all the obese people in our country, OMG....
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I've tried I thought everything...from magnesium, colonics, laxatives, stool softeners, Vit C big doses, I

It's beyond my comprehension why vitamin C or Magnesium in only big enough doese wouldn't help.

Ascorbic acid is for example used for titrating to bowel tolerance. That's the limit for eveyone at which the colon is just flushing out when its capacity s surpassed. For me that limit is usually at 50g per day. For some it can go up to 2-300 g/d.

It's also beyond me why magnesium alone wouldn't work. I've a severe deficiency and use daily a liter of mineral water which contains 1g of elemental Magnesium. Additional to 0.4 g from food,1.2g from supplements and monthly Mg-IVs. In my cycle of friends I don't know anyone who would tolerate just a glass from the mineral water alone without bowel-movements.

Most don't don't like the taste of the mineral water (sulfory due to Mg-sulfate), and most don't even try even only 100 g of ascorbic acid, and thereby do not succeed.

And no, this isn't abuse of laxatives. Despite my monster magnesium doses for over a decade, all my blood tests show I'm still deficient in Mg. And ascorbic acid was instrumental in its use for Pauling's therapy against CVD, to overcome a walking-disabilty from PAD in my case. Along with remission of other chronic conditions.


Well-Known Member
I've been taking magnesium citrate caps for years and how it was explained to me...the magnesium caps/tablets are DRYING us out....the Oxy Powder is infused with OXYGEN and this makes all the difference....OXYGEN is important in all our body areas.


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I Go back periodically to Amazon to read more reviews and one member called it: Bowel Draino....I'm feeling that.


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I don't despite takeing Mg-citrate for years, along with all other forms of Mg. I'm not 'dryed out'. I experienced remission from PAD, COPD, T2D and constants PEMs.

Why you're promoting a supplement you haven't even dryed, but only rely on amazon reviews?


Well-Known Member
pamojja: What are you talking about, I'm taking it now 7 days...skipped one day the second day but this does get me good and cleaned out.

If you are good with what you do, that is what counts.....all the years of mag capsules didn't do it for I said it's the Oxygen the company uses in their formula....

I don't think you are understanding the process or even want to understand how it's developed.

What does this mean?

Why you're promoting a supplement you haven't even dryed, but only rely on amazon reviews?



Active Member
pamojja: What are you talking about, I'm taking it now 7 days

What does this mean?

Why you're promoting a supplement you haven't even dried, but only rely on amazon reviews?

Till now you seem to have posted only articles from other sides,
..therefore I couldn't know that you took it already for 7 days yourself, and that it worked for you.

Great. But why not tell that in the beginning, but posting promoitional material instead?


Well-Known Member
Well I thought I posted a lot of info on my first couple posts and somehow they did not publish in a format that is easy to access...why I don't know.

Looking at my original post here, it was on 3/29 and I didn't start on the Oxy until 3/30 at 7:30AM....but I read so much about it and talking to daughter and grandgirl I was so optimistic.....I'm keeping a daily journal of it's use and how I'm feeling and I officially started taking it 3/30.....

Sorry for the confusion.
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I took a look at the ingredients of this particular treatment. Adding oxygen to something you ingest will do nothing as when it released it will only last for a few seconds. I can see where the amount of magnesium is well over bowel tolerance so will likely cause diarrhea. The citric acid in the product, I believe, would act to enhance the absorption of the magnesium.

Poop does not build up in the colon for years on end. That is an outright lie.

The amount of magnesium in this product could cause issues with people with certain conditions. I read a comment on Amazon where the person, a verified user, ended up in the hospital after taking it. Many said it caused extreme flatulence and diarrhea. Some said it didn’t work at all. Many said it was wonderful and really helpful. The price is a bit steep though.

I take magnesium myself for staying regular. I spend way less than this product with most excellent results. Magnesium is important to the body in many ways and diarrhea is a side effect of taking way too much.


Active Member
the amount of magnesium is well over bowel tolerance so will likely cause diarrhea.

Yes, 1.4 gram of elemental magnesium from Mg-oxide will just cause diahrea in most. A very expensive at that, since Mg-oxide is practically the cheapest form of supplemental Magnesium.

I've been taking magnesium citrate caps for years and..

At 40% Mg-content the Mg-oxide form is also the lightest to take: makes 3.5g in total. Mg-citrate only contains 16% elemental Mg. Makes 8.8g of total compound to take each day, including a whooping amount of 7.4 g of citric acid. Doubt you ever took that much of Mg-citrate a day ever in years. Therefore you can't really compare.

Totally overpriced product, for most common and cheapest ingredients.


Well-Known Member
It's life changing FOR ME, and Oxygen is very important .....

And millions are loaded with toxic waste for years. Most disease starts in the GUT.....

I'm OFF all the Many things I've taken for years to keep some movements.....

Don't believe me... Do what works for you.

And the developer of the product has a staff ready and willing to help support the 1000's with issues and
taking the Oxy. I've talked with t hem probably 4 times since I've started on this great cleanser.
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Active Member
Great that the exorbitant price and marketing gimmick brought you to actually take an effective dose of Magnesium which works for you!

Most often nobody believes it and doesn't try Mg or ascorbic acid at effective therapeutic mega-doses, and therefore can't benefit.

For all others with less sufficent funds there is a easy test to see for oneself, that this product doesn't increase oxigenation. A simple Fingertip oxygen-saturation tester, half the price of a bottle of 'Oxy'.

What actually would increase oxygen-saturation of one's blood is dirt cheap (again) nebulized hydrogen-peroxide (deluted to less than 3%, food-grade and in saline solution). As many have found after using it as a covid preventive or therapeutic addition.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, just found this review on the Gloval Healing site of some 5000 reviews; And I can surely relate to this poor soul and the "glove issue"....I've been that route:

I can finally poop after spinal cord damage

Review by Cindy P. on 15 May 2020review stating I can finally poop after spinal cord damage
Almost 2 years ago, I had a 13-hour surgery on my lower back. I was left with some permanent spinal cord and nerve damage causing my bladder and colon to not function properly. I am able to urinate by squeezing as hard as I can with my abs, but there seemed to be no solution for my colon. I had extreme constipation and could not squeeze anything oRead more about review stating I can finally poop after spinal cord damage
ut... every couple of days I would have to put on a disposable glove and manually extract my poop. Colace did nothing. I took Miralax every day for over a year, having to take larger and larger doses, but the effects were very minimal. I drank at least 120 oz of water a day, ate healthy, was very physically active, tried everything the doctors suggested, etc. I'm only 37 years old and a mother of 3, and I'm a positive person, but this problem was weighing me down, physically and emotionally. It looked like my only option was going to be having a nerve stimulator implanted into my spinal cord and pelvis. I went on this site to buy my usual bottle of Intramax, and stumbled upon Oxy-boost in the "you may like" section, so I bought it. I am SHOCKED with my results. I took 4 capsules (and 16 oz water) the first night... it took 2 days to work on me, but boy did it work! I literally lost pounds from what was stuck in my colon. I lost inches of bloat off my waist and I have a flat stomach for the first time since my surgery 2 years ago. I feel so much lighter, and my skin has cleared up. I have been using Oxy-Boost for 3 months now (taking 2 or 3 capsules a night), and I can now poop every day (usually 3+ times a day). It comes out easy... close to diarrhea, but I don't need to manually extract anymore. I stopped the Miralax after only 3 days of Oxy-Boost. Here's the funny thing... after lots of internet research, I had tried mega doses of several different types of magnesium before, but nothing worked. I literally cried with happiness that I finally found something that works and don't need surgery! Thank you so much for making this product! Oh, and P.S., I started running a year ago, and taking 4 pills a day or 2 before a competitive long-distance run has been a game-changer for me! While others have to stop at the port-a-potties half way through, my colon is already clear! Read LessRead less about review stating I can finally poop after spinal cord damage

So you people in disbelief of this product, STOP, you have no clue how so many have suffered for so much of their lives. I deal with spinal stenosis, no surgery there, but from years of life, have lost 3 discs due to deterioration. I did have a hip replacement and that changed my total body structure, hence the disc loss advancing.....

I had a friend who went thru 3 kidney transplants and she talked about how she had to use the "glove thing" as she took so many hard drugs to keep those kidneys. My friend lost her 3rd kidney transplant and could not deal with life anymore, she was able with the help of her doc, to take her life...

There are so many stories out there, so listen UP....



Debie L. Bodjanac

1.0 out of 5 stars Doesn't work!
Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2020
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I totally believed all the great reviews. However I don't know how they could give a good review because this does not work!
I took 4 as directed and the next day, Nothing happened. Not even 1 bowel movement! So I took 6, 2 more as directed. Oh and did i mention. I drank 10-8 oz. Glasses of water and 2nd day still no bowel movement!
Wow! And i really needed this to work. I usually do herbal colon cleanse every 6 weeks and that works. So i am sending this back and will not buy again.


1.0 out of 5 stars glorified stool liquefier
Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2020
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I've had chronic constipation since the pandemic started and was eager to try this to relieve my backed up colon and mood swings.

First night, I took 4 pills : nothing. Upped it to six pills for five days and ultimately had 3 explosive watery stools/diarrhea each day — usually in the morning or after a light meal. Not to mention, cryptic farts throughout the day. And while my stomach felt lighter in the morning, I felt really bloated by night despite drinking lots of water. It also made my insomnia worse. So yeah, it didn't work for my body, and these supplements seem like a messy bandaid fix for those suffering from constipation.

Amazon Customer

1.0 out of 5 stars Not for me....
Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2019
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
These are awful. Honestly, I was so excited about these as they were promoted by a blogger I like. However, they are basically a very expensive laxative. Gave me terrible stomach pains and diarrhea. Waste of money


1.0 out of 5 stars Causes horrible bloating
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2018
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I occasionally get constipated and decided to try this over a laxative or miralax. Honestly the experience was awful!!! You are supposed to start with 4 capsules before bedtime on an empty stomach. It did nothing for me other than awful waking up extremely bloated to the point it hurt to button my pants. Oh, and having sharp intestinal pains. Since I was determined to clean myself out, I followed the directions by upping the dosage 2 pills that night. Once again, severe bloating. Finally on the last night I tried one final large dosage. The next day I was bloated until 6pm, and then had a small watery poop and a ton of gas. Yeah, this stuff is terrible. If you want to be so bloated you can barely function, and still not poop, then go for it! Please note that not pooping for 3 days isn't common for me...I consider myself constipated if I am pooping every other day, so the fact this stuff backed me up more plus caused horrible gas is a red flag.


Well-Known Member
Sharon did you read all the 1000's of reviews??? Looks like you picked and chose. Over 9000 on Amazon, over 5000 on Global Healing, and over 5000 on ebay where I bought my first order.:cool:



T. Agnew

2.0 out of 5 stars Kept me up all night
Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2022
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
I have no idea how people can take so many of these and survive to tell about it. If I had taken four, I'm fairly sure I would have exploded. I am doing a candida cleanse, and saw these were recommended by multiple sites. I read lots of reviews, but chose this brand because it has the cleanest ingredients.
On night one, I took one pill. This diet can cause backups due to the lack of fiber. I was experiencing that for two days at that point. The next morning, I had one small movement. I wanted to see all of the hype about removing the 5-15 pounds of gunk come true. This was an expensive bottle of stool softener at that point. The next night and last night, I took two pills. TWO. It made my body temperature swing wildly. And no, I'm not sick. I was sweating, then freezing over and over. This happened both nights, so I know this was this causing it. The second night, I was up all night feeling like I'd drank a two part explosive mixture. I could not sleep because I thought my guts were going to explode out my belly button at any minute. I was so uncomfortable. I doubt I will take more than one pill ever again. This is such an unpleasant feeling, and I can give myself diarrhea for much less money. This is definitely not a product I recommend.


Above bowel tolerance and you get this.


2.0 out of 5 stars Honest review graphic details but what I would of wanted to read
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2021
Size: 60 Count (Pack of 1)Verified Purchase
*graphic* Okay I read the reviews… ordered them… took 3 instead of 4 and let me say this is NOT what I expected from reading. I have had 6 pee out the butt experiences 2 hours after taking them “before bed w a glass of water” not great and it’s only been 2 hours 20 mins I am hoping this doesn’t continue all night because MISERABLE is an understatement. If this is common I would of loved to know this before and if this is how it’s supposed to work then great! But I didn’t get the impression this is how it was gonna go. Figured I would just spill it out embarrassing or not y’all should know!


Sharon did you read all the 1000's of reviews??? Looks like you picked and chose. Over 9000 on Amazon, over 5000 on Global Healing, and over 5000 on ebay where I bought my first order.:cool:
Just like you pick and choose. The fact is that this product is a glorified laxative, nothing else and all those positive reviews are attesting to this. I hope you aren’t hurt by this product, many are.

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