I've just watched this fascinating documentary 'The Science of Fasting' https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/det...AF0F8QP4N1HV9&pf_rd_s=center-40&pf_rd_t=12401.
I then started to think, if this extreme form of fasting worked for so many other chronic illnesses, then why not CFS/ME?
I googled and came up with different articles, but while reading through them I started to note a distinct pattern similarity in how many first came down with CFS/ME. It would appear so many were struck down with this illness in the throes of exercising fanatically (myself included). Why is it that so many of us were (or thought we were) in our peak physical shape, excersising rigorously and religiously when suddenly blighted by CFS/ME ?? Have any studies been done on this? Has anyone else noted that it's rare that the overweight couch potatoes (no insults intended here) out there don't seem to get CFS ?
Anyhow, having put myself though just about every treatment and protocol and diet out there over the past 6 years of being ill, I'm now tempted to check myself into one of these German fasting clinics !
I then started to think, if this extreme form of fasting worked for so many other chronic illnesses, then why not CFS/ME?
I googled and came up with different articles, but while reading through them I started to note a distinct pattern similarity in how many first came down with CFS/ME. It would appear so many were struck down with this illness in the throes of exercising fanatically (myself included). Why is it that so many of us were (or thought we were) in our peak physical shape, excersising rigorously and religiously when suddenly blighted by CFS/ME ?? Have any studies been done on this? Has anyone else noted that it's rare that the overweight couch potatoes (no insults intended here) out there don't seem to get CFS ?
Anyhow, having put myself though just about every treatment and protocol and diet out there over the past 6 years of being ill, I'm now tempted to check myself into one of these German fasting clinics !