So....Trump cuts 20% from NIH funding...


Well-Known Member
A 20% cut to 5 million would still leave us with 4 Million.
Yeah I don't think it works that way. You think they won't totally reorganize their priorities with a cut that huge to their budget?

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I guess we're screwed?

Don't worry, my inner cynic says that pharma will make up the gap. On the one hand, we'll find it easier to get amphetamines for fatigue, but on the other hand, get ready for new "research" showing that statins really are miracle drugs and all that research showing how damaging they are? That was nonsense. Also, seeking the cause of diseases will be forbidden, that way we have more chances for expensive treatments.

The dumber part of this is cutting Meals on Wheels which drops people into nursing homes who don't really belong there, driving costs up. It would be hard to guess what the dumbest part is, so many choices.

Wow my inner cynic needs a nap, cranky.

On a more serious note, I was recently trying to see where the money to fund NIH comes from. Ostensibly, taxes. But is it earmarked from certain industries? Do some industries contribute to its budget, etc? Trying to hunt that down is hard because if you look for NIH funding, you end up with a lot of "how to write grants" types of things. I was looking more for input... not output. While we're on the subject, if anyone has a guide for that sort of thing, I'd appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks :)
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
$5 million is still better than $0.
Actually we went from about $6 million to about $15 million!

Sucks that Trump wants to cut NIH funding just as we're starting to get somewhere. Kind of unbelievable..If it wasn't for bad know how it goes.

The NIH does get bipartisan support and hopefully Trump's mega cut will not go through. I just posted a blog on this

Here's how to contact your elected officials to fight these horrific cuts.

Here's something I've put together:

Dear Congressperson:

I am writing to express my alarm over the massive reduction in funding provided to the NIH under President Trump's budget. As someone with a long term illness which has few treatment options I want to insure you that NIH funding is a core issue for me.

After years of neglecting the NIH, Congress acted in a bipartisan manner when it increased the NIH budget by $2 billion and then when it passed the Faster Cures legislation last year. Much more is needed, however, for the NIH to continue to produce the breakthroughs needed to help me and the millions of other Americans battling chronic illnesses.

President Trump's budget is terribly short-sighted in its attempt to reduce NIH funding to levels not seen for almost 20 years. I request that you work hard to ensure that funding for the NIH is not just kept at its current levels but that it significantly increases over time. Thanks for your time.

Yours truly


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Don't worry, my inner cynic says that pharma will make up the gap. On the one hand, we'll find it easier to get amphetamines for fatigue, but on the other hand, get ready for new "research" showing that statins really are miracle drugs and all that research showing how damaging they are? That was nonsense. Also, seeking the cause of diseases will be forbidden, that way we have more chances for expensive treatments.

The dumber part of this is cutting Meals on Wheels which drops people into nursing homes who don't really belong there, driving costs up. It would be hard to guess what the dumbest part is, so many choices.

Wow my inner cynic needs a nap, cranky.

On a more serious note, I was recently trying to see where the money to fund NIH comes from. Ostensibly, taxes. But is it earmarked from certain industries? Do some industries contribute to its budget, etc? Trying to hunt that down is hard because if you look for NIH funding, you end up with a lot of "how to write grants" types of things. I was looking more for input... not output. While we're on the subject, if anyone has a guide for that sort of thing, I'd appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks :)
The money comes from our taxes. The NIH does do private partnerships at times but all the money from the govt end comes from taxes. It's actually very small part of the budget - 26 billion I think compared to about 600 billion for defense.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, my inner cynic says that pharma will make up the gap. On the one hand, we'll find it easier to get amphetamines for fatigue, but on the other hand, get ready for new "research" showing that statins really are miracle drugs and all that research showing how damaging they are? That was nonsense. Also, seeking the cause of diseases will be forbidden, that way we have more chances for expensive treatments.

The dumber part of this is cutting Meals on Wheels which drops people into nursing homes who don't really belong there, driving costs up. It would be hard to guess what the dumbest part is, so many choices.

Wow my inner cynic needs a nap, cranky.

On a more serious note, I was recently trying to see where the money to fund NIH comes from. Ostensibly, taxes. But is it earmarked from certain industries? Do some industries contribute to its budget, etc? Trying to hunt that down is hard because if you look for NIH funding, you end up with a lot of "how to write grants" types of things. I was looking more for input... not output. While we're on the subject, if anyone has a guide for that sort of thing, I'd appreciate a pointer to it. Thanks :)

I saw something on how the Feds don't give that much money to "Meals on Wheels", just another the sky is falling, so people freak out! It works!! Also, the Baby Boomers have most of the Wealth in this country, so if they cherish these programs so much, perhaps they should carry the burden/cost?



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I saw something on how the Feds don't give that much money to "Meals on Wheels", just another the sky is falling, so people freak out! It works!! Also, the Baby Boomers have most of the Wealth in this country, so if they cherish these programs so much, perhaps they should carry the burden/cost?

Agreed...It was a good talking point nothing more. (But why cut Meals and Wheels at all?).

It's not true that the boomers have most of the wealth. The top 10% have most of the wealth in this country..They have benefited enormously over the past 20 years. Everyone else has declined or stayed even. Look at the pitiful wealth of the bottom 50% where most of the boomers reside.

This is why Trump's and Ryan's decision to slash taxes on most wealthy is so disgusting. Not since before the great depression have the very wealthy done so well - and Trump and Ryan are padding their pockets even more.



Well-Known Member
The NIH knows exactly what causes Type 1 Diabetes and somehow in decades of everyone promising a cure, it hasn't happened.

Everyone knows what causes Lyme but no one takes it seriously either.

MS has had 100's of millions put into it for years yet they have overall gotten nowhere. One drug that works on one type of MS, maybe. Sort of. Well what were you expecting, a cure?

AIDS. Now there's a disease with the BILLIONS funded over the decades that should have a cure by now. Somehow it is only kept chronic with drugs. Who could be behind that?

I wonder how many brain studies funded by NIH using faulty software with fMRIS went without replication therefore not catching the flawed software. They said a few replication studies would have caught the flaw early on but instead millions and millions were spent on thousands of studies that are now irrelevant.

How about all the studies that have 10 people in them, or 40? All to get to a non answer without any expansion or replication and taking way too many years to study those 10 or 40?

So now they have been punished for all their wastefulness.

Is this going to be bad for ME/CFS funding? Yes, very bad. But everything has been going badly for all diseases with decades of time and billions spent.

It isn't the federal government that is responsible for University studies and careers. And one thing I find very interesting is Jose Montoya's brain scans were funded by a private gift and Rituximab was an astute observation during cancer therapy. And gifts and private donations funded the incredible metabolic study. It really doesn't take that much money, relatively speaking. Just some good ideas, a study, replication and expansion. Millions? Yes. NIH or CDC money? It will never happen.

And they need to fire everyone at the NIH, CDC and HHS that are beholden to the BPS model. That will save a pretty penny.
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Active Member
I am not a fan of the CDC or NIH, they have left us behind, CFS/ME is not a priority with either.
However, regardless, the choices made in the budget proposal set a tone, which is contrary to anything that could help us.
Under the guise of "not showing positive use/results" the budget cuts show a harsh reality of a administration focused on expanding military & eliminating anything that gets in the way of big corporations, such as the EPA. The lack of belief in global warming & the damage of pollution will cause harm to the country & the world.
These choices will lead us down a destructive path. Caring for the older & young of our country should be a priority, not swept aside .. If we can't show compassion for the young & old of our country, what chance do CFS sufferers have?
Our healthcare system has been horrible for many years, an embarrassment for our country. These quick fixes being suggested, only show the ineptitude of those in charge.
To change something without understanding it first, is a foolish action.
We need healthcare that is affordable across the board. We need insurance that covers previous conditions.
Nothing else is acceptable.


Well-Known Member
This is just ridiculous.




Can I give them a few bucks to update these articles? No other articles that are searchable until you scroll down. LINKS ON THESE ARTICLES! Either link their own updated articles or this:
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Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I saw something on how the Feds don't give that much money to "Meals on Wheels", just another the sky is falling, so people freak out! It works!! Also, the Baby Boomers have most of the Wealth in this country, so if they cherish these programs so much, perhaps they should carry the burden/cost?


I'm married to a Baby Boomer more than 10 years older than I. We can assure you we are not the holders of great wealth. I also volunteered for MoW, it was a great experience, and I did it mainly to get used to a new place I had moved to. Nothing like it to learn the roads and meet your neighbors.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Actually we went from about $6 million to about $15 million!

Sucks that Trump wants to cut NIH funding just as we're starting to get somewhere. Kind of unbelievable..If it wasn't for bad know how it goes.

The NIH does get bipartisan support and hopefully Trump's mega cut will not go through. I just posted a blog on this

Here's how to contact your elected officials to fight these horrific cuts.

Here's something I've put together:

I haven't been politically active before, can someone point me to a guide? I think the Jerrrymandering (sp?) gave us a new Congressperson. But he's new, as in never been a politician before, so I think the result would be... he asks his Republican superiors what they think, and then ignores the issue. Be happy to write to him but I'm wondering if it wouldn't be more useful to write to the Governor or something. The Governor is at least a Dem.


Well-Known Member
I'm married to a Baby Boomer more than 10 years older than I. We can assure you we are not the holders of great wealth. I also volunteered for MoW, it was a great experience, and I did it mainly to get used to a new place I had moved to. Nothing like it to learn the roads and meet your neighbors.

baby boomer cohort is 1946- 1964... that's a big cohort, and I think there's a big difference between early and late boomers in terms of what their advantages were during prime earning years... My brothers are both late BB and they started adulthood during the gas crisis and astronomic inflation years of the 80s


Well-Known Member
It's not true that the boomers have most of the wealth.
Look at the pitiful wealth of the bottom 50% where most of the boomers reside.

I think it all depends on what people are talking about when they are talking about 'wealth'.

Baby Boomers, as a whole are said to control 70% of the nation’s disposable income. In general, they own their homes and they have had long careers from which they have received benefits from.

Now, this does not mean that Baby Boomers are rolling around in a pile of money like Scrooge McDuck but only that (as a generalized whole) they just had the luck of being born in a strong postwar economy.


Well-Known Member
I saw something on how the Feds don't give that much money to "Meals on Wheels", just another the sky is falling, so people freak out!

I completely disagree that this is a 'sky is falling freak out'. When you are running a program like 'Meals on Wheels' every penny counts.

The silver lining is that 'Meals on Wheels' received a spike in donations. So, I guess hurray for that? :wideyed:
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