The Pridgen Protocol: A Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Resource Center

Resource The Pridgen Protocol: A Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Resource Center


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
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Cort submitted a new resource:

Dr. Pridgen's Antiviral Protocol for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) - Herpes simplex virus protocol threatens to upend understanding and treatment of Fibromyalgia

Dr. Skip Pridgen, a surgeon in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, believes a herpes simplex virus infection that affects the nerves across the body in fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

[fright]View attachment 2781 [/fright]Pridgen mustered the finances for a successful Phase II trial and has the go-ahead from the FDA for a phase III trial once the finances are secured for that.

Check out the fascinating story of a Tuscaloosa surgeon who's trying to upend our understanding...

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Well-Known Member
Interesting. I've been thinking that I'll try to put together an anti-viral protocol for myself to try once I've gotten the yeast overgrowth wiped out.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
That's interesting. I take Celebrex and Valcyclovir regularly. Although after a challenge, I suspect the Celebrex of containing hidden gluten. Technically it shouldn't be unless Celebrex name brand is. But 'technically' is a poor indicator of truth.
I gave Celebrex 200mg and valtrex 500mg on reserve. I pulse this when my “ fibromyalgia “ flares up. I had severe pain was on fentanyl patches. This combo got me pain from severe and chronic to intermittent/ mild.
First time I took this for 6 months. I do pulse occasionally. In my case I had high igg for Epstein Barr . I was wondering about heroes simplex virus without the rash ( shingles without a rash) because my pain was severe.
This was my first big step in getting my life back. Still not recovered but able to enjoy my life again.

Lorraine Lewis

New Member
I traveled to Pridgen's office twice. I do think he is on to something; however, he is very heavy on meds. I had been sick with CFS since I had vaccines for Africa in 2012. I saw Pridgen in 2015 and he wanted me to take antidepressants and anti anxiety drugs in addition to the Celebrex and Valtrex because my husband had died of cancer. Everyone I was seeing in my home town thought I was appropriately saddened by my husband's death but did not need drugs to deal with just a word of caution. I also saw Doctor Dantini in Florida and preferred his approach.

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