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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Treatment Books and Resources

Treatment and Management Books By Doctors

The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, Made Easy! by Jacob Teitelbaum M.D.

Simplified version of Dr. Teitelbaum's classic treatment compendium "From Fatigued to Fantastic" book. Focused on Dr. Teitelbaum's SHINE Protocol, addressing Sleep, Hormonal support, Infections, Nutritional support and Exercise. Includes Teitelbaum's top 10 supplements. Excellent reviews on Amazon

From Fatigued to Fantastic 3rd Edition (2007) by Jacob Teitelbaum

Four hundred and fifty page encyclopedia of ME/CFS and FM treatments. For many years the go-to manual for an alternative health approach to ME/CFS. Can be a bit overwhelming but is chock full of insights.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis Second Edition: it's mitochondria, not hypchondria by Sara Myhill

Updated version of Dr. Myhill's mitochondrial / alternative health approach to ME/CFS treatment Includes sections on the gut; Allergy and autoimmunity; Lyme disease and other co-infections; reprogramming the immune system and the brain.

Let Your Light Shine Through: Strategies for Living with ME/CFS, Fibromaylgia and MCS - by Eleanor Stein, MD.

Canadian ME/CFS psychologist with ME/CFS/FM and MCS shares the ideas and strategies that have worked best in her ME/CFS, FM and MCS practice. Provides a workbook approach to dealing with these diseases. Believes biological treatments are needed for recovery. Among others provides distinction between mood disorders and ME/CFS. Available as a downloadable manual, CD, spiral bound black and white or full color book. See a Prohealth review here.

Beating and Beating Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 5th Ed, Sep 12, 2013 by Dr. Rodger H Murphree

Fifth edition of Dr. Murphree's book, provides the integrative approach to ME/CFS and FM he's developed over 18 years of practice. Includes information on digestion, thyroid, chronic pain, depression, immune supplementation, hormones, etc., etc.

Chronic Fatigue Syndromes: The Limbic Hypothesis (The Haworth Library of the Medical Neurobiology of Somatic Disorders, Volume 1)
1993 edition of pioneering and unorthodox ME/CFS doctor. Dense and complex book but full of surprising insights from doctor who no longer practices.

Treatment and Management Books By Patients

CFS Unravelled – One man’s search for the Cause of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Discovery Essential for You To Recover

Australian ME/CFS patients story of how he overcame a severe case of ME/CFS by rethinking how the disease occurs and applying the insights he learned from doing that. Posits that a central system is dysregulated in ME/CFS that produces the many different aspects of the disease. Contains recovery stories. Well-reviewed.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide - by Erica Verillo - encyclopedic guide to treatments and research by an ME/CFS patient at an excellent price. Includes unique section on doctors protocols. Well reviewed by doctors and the ME/CFS community.

The Patient's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (2010) - by Bruce Campbell PhD, a recovered ME/CFS patient - greatly expanded version of 2006 book provides management techniques such as pacing, relieving stress, creating appropriate goals, etc. as well as strategies for pain, job options, relationships and many more. Provides worksheets patients can use to support their self-management techniques. Available in print or downloadable ebook format. Check out CFIDS Self Help while you're at it and take a class.

Defeat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: You Don't Have to Live With It - An Eight Step Protocol - One patients story of how she overcame ME/CFS. Excellent presentation of an methodical, organized approach to this illness that can probably benefit many. Cheap kindle edition available.
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