- Website
- http://www.holisticheal.com/yasko-protocol-starter-packet.html?SID=04af947d393c063f54a5bb77484d9adf
- Resource Type
- Book
- https://www.facebook.com/DrAmyYasko

Contains 13 1/2 hours of lectures...(!)
The Yasko Protocol Starter Packet Includes:
- Dr. Amy Yasko's most recent book, Feel Good Nutrigenomics- Your Roadmap to Health
- A Complete Series of Lectures- 3 disk set containing 13 1/2 hours of lectures by Dr. Amy Yasko
The Complete Series of Lectures set features a selection of presentations by Dr. Amy Yasko from her recent conferences. The presentations are in an easy viewing format with enlarged slides to enhance the viewer’s experience. Discs can only be viewed in a computer and are not intended for DVD players.
Disc 1: Methylation and Mutations
- Part 1: Understanding Methylation & The Role of Epigenetics
- Part 2: Understanding Methylation & The Role of Epigenetics Cont.
- Part 3: Understanding Mutations & The Importance of B12
- Part 4: The Role of MTR, MTRR, MTHFR & CBS
- Part 5: The Role of BHMT, SHMT, ACAT, AHCY & MAO A
- Part 1: COMT Function
- Part 2: VDR Function & The Importance of Vitamin D
- Part 1: Methylation Cycle Mutations, Role of Lithium
- Part 2: Role of Lithium Cont., Increased Glutamate Receptors
- Part 3: Increased Glutamate Receptors Cont., Potassium/Rubidium
- Part 4: Chronic Bacterial Infections, H.Pylori in Particular
- Part 5: Chronic Viral Infections, Rotovirus, Heavy Metal Burden
- Part 6: Heavy Metal Burden Cont., HLA Type, Relationship to Asthma, DPT Vaccine, Supplements to Help Address Gut Imbalances (one part only)
- Part 1: The Importance of Methylation & Epigenetics
- Part 2: CFTR Function
- Part 3: CFTR Function Cont.
- Part 4: Glutamate, CFTR
- Part 5: Looking into H. Pylori
- Part 1: Impact of Toxic Metals on Mitochondria
- Part 2: Effects of Aluminum & other Heavy Metals