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  1. P

    Viral reactivation "throwing a wrench" in the brain

    The researchers of this newly published Alzheimer's study say they had no intention of focusing on dormant herpes viruses but the data kept "screaming" for their attention. While they don't believe the viruses are directly causing the disease they think certain conditions create complex...
  2. P

    What's this about 23andMe?

    So now the FDA is allowing 23andMe to sell disease-oriented genetics testing. I've faced a long-term gumption trap when it comes to ponying up the money for 23andMe -- since every time I've looked into it the disease-oriented genetics seems so limited. Do folks here still believe it's...
  3. P

    Powder City Close-Out Sale

    Powder City is closing shop. Too bad, they've always treated me well. Check out their closing sale quick. Items are going fast (some ran out before I paid for my cart), but there's still plenty of powder and capsules like baicalin, rhodeola, pterostilbene, magnesium, IP6, curcumin, glutamine...
  4. P

    Who doesn't benefit from acetylcholine supplements?

    An intriguing new study finds that blockading acetylcholine activity can reverse mitochondrial dysfunction and promote nerve repair. I take acetylcholine supplements purely on faith, since they're generally considered important for ME treatment. But I've only been able to take small doses...
  5. P

    Myelophil for CFS?

    Anyone tried it? Or know how to get it? (Astragali Radix and Salviae Radix) I see some old-ish reports on it, and then ProHealth today posted this summary as if it were new research, but as far as I can tell they're just recycling old news. Still it piqued my interest, since I'd never heard of it.
  6. P

    Liptan's Latest

    I just finished reading Ginevra Liptan's latest book, The Fibro Manual, and thought I'd offer a micro-review. (I won't go into detail about the contents, since you can "Look Inside" via the Amazon link above.) In short, I appreciated it a lot more than I thought I would. Since hardly...
  7. P

    Morning Research Headlines: Benadryl, Psoriasis

    Apparently there's new evidence that anticholinergics like Benadryl (doctors' first choice for sleep assistance) may lead to Alzheimer's. Glutamate, glutamate... Meanwhile, psoriasis is confirmed to be a systemic inflammation condition, linked to a higher risk of aortic aneurysms...
  8. P

    Statin News

    I hadn't fully realized that statin intolerance was still considered "controversial" by some in the medical community, but apparently it provides yet another opportunity to write off severe symptoms as merely psychological. When my latest attempt to go back to statins crippled me for months I...
  9. P

    Catastrophizing One's Physical Limitations?

    Here's a new weird little study. Researchers learned that people with FM who report higher levels of pain and fatigue are more likely to perceive themselves as less functional in life. Obviously, the results of the study are underwhelming. What caught my eye was the researchers' insistence on...
  10. P

    Fibromyalgia "Tailored" Acupuncture

    This recent study finds short-term and long-term fibromyalgia relief with acupuncture -- if the acupuncture is tailored properly to the individual patient. Even though tailoring is supposedly the key new ingredient, the study write-up does not give a sense of how practitioners do such...

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