This recent study finds short-term and long-term fibromyalgia relief with acupuncture -- if the acupuncture is tailored properly to the individual patient.
Even though tailoring is supposedly the key new ingredient, the study write-up does not give a sense of how practitioners do such tailoring.
I've never tried acupuncture but I'm about to -- at the suggestion of my traditional physical therapists, who are flummoxed by my condition. Wondering if others here with FM (or ME, for that matter) have suggestions for approaching an acupuncturist so that s/he will "tailor" properly?
Even though tailoring is supposedly the key new ingredient, the study write-up does not give a sense of how practitioners do such tailoring.
I've never tried acupuncture but I'm about to -- at the suggestion of my traditional physical therapists, who are flummoxed by my condition. Wondering if others here with FM (or ME, for that matter) have suggestions for approaching an acupuncturist so that s/he will "tailor" properly?