5 hour energy drink


New Member
Has anyone tried a 5 hour energy drink? If I have a strong cup of coffee I just want to go back to bed but if I take a 5 hour energy drink I can get about 2 hours of work done. Has anyone experience this. I'm also 70 years old.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Yes I think it's very useful too. The only really "odd" thing in it is citicholine which is an interesting supplement that is considered a drug in some countries. Notably, at one point, and maybe even today, it was used as a damage control drug for people who had strokes in Japan. Citicholine had a good effect on my 86 year old father in law who had stroke related dementia and slept through most of life.He was awake a few more hours a day.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried a 5 hour energy drink? If I have a strong cup of coffee I just want to go back to bed but if I take a 5 hour energy drink I can get about 2 hours of work done. Has anyone experience this. I'm also 70 years old.
Hey, 70 is the new ‘50’ with or w/o CFS - even if you sometimes feel like 100! :cigar:


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried a 5 hour energy drink? If I have a strong cup of coffee I just want to go back to bed but if I take a 5 hour energy drink I can get about 2 hours of work done. Has anyone experience this. I'm also 70 years old.

I haven't had much luck with 5 hour energy drink because it makes me feel sick to my stomach but I can totally see how it could be helpful to other people. :)


New Member
I have also tried 5-Hour Energy Drink & found it to be helpful for extra fatigue/sleepiness in my case as well. I’m 35 years old and although it did not last 5 hours for me either, it did last appx. 2-2.5 hours. I was happily surprised I didn’t feel “jittery”, anxious, etc. after imbibing. I had held off on trying it for quite a long time because I was afraid I might experience those types of adverse effects. Luckily, I only seemed to experience a little boost of energy/wakefulness!


Well-Known Member
No energy drinks here...but OVERALL, I believe I have more energy from my constant use of Grape Seed Extract which cleans and circulates our blood.

I've posted about Grape Seed Ex and thought I'd throw it out here....I'm 80 this year and basically pretty energetic and healthy considering.

I'm headed into my 23 yrs taking it.

There are subtle changes and there are obvious changes...I have both. And was told years ago "may prevent cancer(s)" ...

Good eyesight, healthy gums, no more allergy issues are just a few I have experienced. And I believe more energy.

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