"For twenty-five-years I have been witness to the power of direct action. This power gives me hope that one day we will see an end to ME."
A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyeletis (ME). And while my life has changed in many ways, one thing that has not changed is my commitment to non-violent direct action for social change. For twenty-five-years I have been witness to and engaged in the power of direct action. This power inspires me. This power motivates me. This power channels my anger. And this power gives me hope that one day we will see an end to ME. Non-violent direct action is known by many names.
Gandhi called it satyagraha (truth or soul force). Democracy activists in the Philippines call it people power. Others have named it positive action or nonviolent resistance. At the core of these names is the value of using “techniques outside of institutionalized behavior for social change that challenges an unjust power dynamic using methods of protest, noncooperation, and intervention without the use or threat of injurious force.”
Please join me on Sunday, April 16th at 3 pm EST (U.S.) / 9 p.m. London time for a presentation and lively discussion on non-violent direct action.
RSVP for Webinar
Silence = Death. Knowledge = Power. Together we can end ME. In Solidarity, Terri L. Wilder
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