Anyone aware of research into viruses affecting mtDNA?

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I like all this research into mitochondria. I am a fan of Dr. Bruce Ames and maybe the reason this didn't make me bedridden is partly because of taking Juvenon for several years now (or something similar).

But what about mtDNA? Can it be affected by viruses? Seems like it might be possible. I'm not sure I know of any illnesses where the retrovirus incorporates itself into mtDNA. Does anyone know of such research? It would be instructive to read. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Sounds good... there's a lot to learn...

If you haven't already read it, you might also enjoy Robert Naviaux's earlier Cell Danger Response paper. I find his winter/simmer metabolism charts fascinating:

And this one may seem like its coming out of left field, but in it he links viruses to damaged mtDNA and mitochondria, causing cancer ...and as 1/5 of CFS patients die of cancer (and others, like me, are cancer survivors) there is some overlap, and this explains why:

Happy reading - I'll look forward to any insights you have....:D

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
OK pray for me, I'm headed to the medical library to see what it's like and do some reading. :) Ahh the joys of CFS when reading in the library is activity enough on a Friday night.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I scouted the local library at the state university. Not bad, quite usable,with an elevator inside, but full of daunting staircases and hills surrounding the building. I have about a 15 minute walk from the parking area to the building. Carrying a laptop and notebook in my backpack as well as water and assorted things, plus my purse, that's just not happening. So my husband drives me when he can on weekends and evenings.

Some hospitals have rooms where you can get past the paywalls and I think I found one of those. They are often much more convenient than a university, which is designed to support students not unhealthy people seeking to regain their health.

By the time my brain was functioning and I got there, I had two hours to try and get oriented. I found something specific to my medical history about kidneys and magnesium balance, it was referenced in one of the articles above (off the top of my head, the hindawi one).

As for campus wandering, I'm thinking of getting a trike (not motorized, or just assist for uphills). Anyone do that to improve mobility? In my dreams I'm using a trike that allows me to ride for about 30 minutes (more than long enough to get almost anywhere before I get tired... because if it senses torque, it gives me a boost from a silent electric engine. Recumbent or upright I don't care, but I haven o wish to try and balance with a backpack. In this dream there is a basket behind the seat, spacious enough for my backpack and purse (tied down for security). The campus is well supplied with bike paths/lanes, that part is not a dream.

I'd also probably ride a trike instead of my once in a while walk in the outdoors, I bet I could get farther, and down some well-cleared trails. But the point would be to make the campus more accessible. And trikes are around $300, not ++thousands like anything motorized.

I'd prefer to be independent but the campus does have a campus "disability" parking for people who don't qualify for a handicapped sticker, but still need closer parking. Most places, stores, hospitals, doctor offices, etc, I don't have to worry, it's a short walk, but I'd forgotten how much walking you get just automatically because you're on a campus. And to avoid the stairs means you have to go looping the long way around.


Active Member
I've seen trikes like you describe, but wouldn't it be daunting to get it in and out of the car?

Getting a disability parking pass isn't too difficult, would that help in the equation? My doctor fills out a form for a temporary one on an annual basis. It really helps when my legs feel like lead.

Interested in your research findings....;)

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I've seen trikes like you describe, but wouldn't it be daunting to get it in and out of the car?

Getting a disability parking pass isn't too difficult, would that help in the equation? My doctor fills out a form for a temporary one on an annual basis. It really helps when my legs feel like lead.

Interested in your research findings....;)

Yeah the car issue is quite true. I"ve been lobbying for a flatbed truck as our next car, but I doubt it will be that way. Some people are just not emotionally ready for a flatbed. :)

I've lost a lot of time to sleeping and brain fog lately. My highlighter has been inactive too long. Must... focus... ;)

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Excuse me for this, but what is myDNA?

mtDNA is mitochondrial DNA.

Mitochondria (the "batteries" of cells) are probably an ancient symbiotic creature that became an organelle in all animal cells. They have their own DNA and method of reproduction. It's why we can trace the lineage of some groups of people very accurately (ie. Jewish).

More on genetic inheritance as it relates to mtDNA.

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