Anyone have comments about the 2018 Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) Symposium.?


Active Member
How many of you were able to watch the 2018 Open Medicine Foundation symposium live or on YouTube? What did you think? I was hoping to get other's perspectives, good or bad about the symposium. Cort, do you have anything to report? Were you able to attend any of the closed sessions? I hope you are doing okay. Must have been a stressful week for you to keep up with it all.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
How many of you were able to watch the 2018 Open Medicine Foundation symposium live or on YouTube? What did you think? I was hoping to get other's perspectives, good or bad about the symposium. Cort, do you have anything to report? Were you able to attend any of the closed sessions? I hope you are doing okay. Must have been a stressful week for you to keep up with it all.

I'm about 1/3 of the way into it. I'll watch more later. Very exciting stuff! I like the portable device idea, I hope that works out.

Some years ago, a naturopath's blood work tech told me my RBCs were "sticky" and I've wondered since then why some symptoms I have are reminiscent of sickle cell anemia (a deadly deformation of RBCs), except I don't have the genetics. The lack of RBC deformation is an interesting insight. He didn't mention the spleen status. I have intermittent spleen pain, but I do have my spleen. Modern medicine treats the spleen as disposable and I don't think so, so I haven't complained much about it. Anyway the spleen is supposed to filter out the stiff RBCs. So theoretically only people without a spleen should ever have stiff RBCs.

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