Beat Candida Diet Beats Christine's 10 Year Bout with ME/CFS

Beat Candida Diet Beats Christine's 10 Year Bout with ME/CFS


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cort submitted a new resource:

Beat Candida Diet Beats Christine's 10 Year Bout with ME/CFS - recovery occurs quickly!

I was amazed, as were my family and friends, at the transformation in my health after just a few weeks into the initial stages of the Four Point Plan. From being slumped in a chair exhausted, and with little interest in life, I was writing Christmas cards, putting up decorations and cooking for my husband. This was in December 2003.

Staying on the diet the improvement continued, and has been maintained. Now I am leading a full, healthy and happy life again.

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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
This is the candida diet I have used
How did it go for you? Anti-candida was one of the first things I tried almost 30 years ago. I remember taking Nystaatin and other drugs/supplements. Who knew I was on a 30 year path at that point? It didn't do anything I could tell - nothing did anything back then - but I know that carbs are a significant issue.

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The problem I had is that with my IBS-c I was miserable without fiber. At at the time I had not discovered the wonderful world of enemas so I could only do it for about a week. Now I could probably go longer.

It also required a lot of cooking. All I felt like I was doing was washing dishes.

I didn't have nystatin at that time but I swear by Thorne SF 722 when doing it.


Active Member
How did it go for you? Anti-candida was one of the first things I tried almost 30 years ago. I remember taking Nystaatin and other drugs/supplements. Who knew I was on a 30 year path at that point? It didn't do anything I could tell - nothing did anything back then - but I know that carbs are a significant issue.
A candida diet was also one of the first things I tried 20 years ago along with nystaatin. I didn't find much a difference with that at the time either. A year and a half ago my naturopath recommended I try doing a candida diet but after 3 weeks I abandoned it. I found it so restrictive and depressing not being able to eat certain things that cheer me up!

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