Brain MRI


New Member
I have had CFS/ME for the past 30 years. Just had a brain MRI that showed "mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes" commonly found in the elderly. Although my cognitive symptoms (difficulty thinking/processing information, word finding issues, etc) align with CFS not sure if other CFS/ME sufferers have also had this finding on brain MRI? I can't find a link between CFS/ME and "mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes" and am wondering if I am missing something?


I have had CFS/ME for the past 30 years. Just had a brain MRI that showed "mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes" commonly found in the elderly. Although my cognitive symptoms (difficulty thinking/processing information, word finding issues, etc) align with CFS not sure if other CFS/ME sufferers have also had this finding on brain MRI? I can't find a link between CFS/ME and "mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes" and am wondering if I am missing something?
do you get alot of head pain? I don't esp want to do a brain scan but would not be surprised if i have the same issues -also me/cfs for 33 yrs -i'm 73 you didn't say how old you are-I do have alot of brain fog & all my symptoms got worse after 2nd covid shot


New Member
I am 57. I have a lot of what feels like sinus pressure and sinus related headaches with tinnitus on the left ear. Have seen 5 ENT's in the last 6 months most recent ENT said I don't have sinus issues but have migraines triggering sinus issues and ordered the MRI of the brain. That said I have fluid building up in my left ear and was recently treated for enlarged lymph node on left lower jaw with steroids from the fluid build up. Brain MRI showed opaque area in the left mastoid (probably from fluid). I also have sharp pains that I occasionally have in my head that really hurt, very sharp pain but last less than 30 seconds. I feel very strongly that I have a very problematic sinus condition related to the CFS/ME but can't find anyone to help me with it. Not sure if the mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes are just that or are also related to the CFS/ hard to get any help or answers.....


I am 57. I have a lot of what feels like sinus pressure and sinus related headaches with tinnitus on the left ear. Have seen 5 ENT's in the last 6 months most recent ENT said I don't have sinus issues but have migraines triggering sinus issues and ordered the MRI of the brain. That said I have fluid building up in my left ear and was recently treated for enlarged lymph node on left lower jaw with steroids from the fluid build up. Brain MRI showed opaque area in the left mastoid (probably from fluid). I also have sharp pains that I occasionally have in my head that really hurt, very sharp pain but last less than 30 seconds. I feel very strongly that I have a very problematic sinus condition related to the CFS/ME but can't find anyone to help me with it. Not sure if the mild chronic microvascular ischemic changes are just that or are also related to the CFS/ hard to get any help or answers.....
Jay, I also have chronic sinus ear problem esp 1 side. the least bit of a/c or breeze makes it worse. However I have a brillant dr of oriental medicine & have been taking herbs for everything for many yrs & unfortunately the herbs need switching very quickly on me now- but they do help alot! but they are definitely not a cure. I don't know where u live or your finances but she can even do the herbs over the phone though it takes a good hr and then mail them to you.

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