Ken Lassesen
Active Member
- Post COVID with Digestive Pain – is it Long COVID?
- Multiple COVID leading to Heart Issues?
- Long COVID with Mast Cell Issues?
- 8x COVID – Ouch!
- Picking up the pieces and starting again (ME/CFS and then COVID with long COVID)
- Once More, a Long COVID patient
- Back Story and Patient’s own research: Long COVID: From last days to real hope…
- Another Long COVID story
- Vaccine, COVID, Long COVID
- GI Map vs Biomesight for Long Covid after ME/CFS
- A Long COVID Microbiome Analysis
- Follow up Analysis for ME/CFS (After COVID)
- ME/CFS x COVID :- Long COVID instead
- A walkthru on a Long Covid Microbiome
- Analysis of a Long Covid Microbiome Sample
- Another Long COVID Microbiome
- Long Covid Patient Microbiome Analysis
- CFS Patient after COVID using the Special Studies Results
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
- ME/CFS Patient – First Microbiome Sample
- ME/CFS Patient- Ongoing Samples
- A Nurse with ME/CFS
- ME/CFS with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Sudden Illness Triggered ME/CFS – 5 month remission after an antibiotic
- Back to work after ME/CFS for 10 years and Long COVID
- A Microbiome Trek Continues thru the land of ME/CFS
- Another ME/CFS after 19 years
- Another ME/CFS person has gone to Firmicutes!
- My gut has gone to Firmicutes!
- Samples over time of ME/CFS Spouse
- An ME/CFS Journey using their Microbiome
- Long time ME/CFS
- ME/CFS After Severe Stress
- ME/CFS Person in Japan or not?
- Another ME/CFS Microbiome Follow Up
- ME/CFS Follow Up Microbiome Samples
- Comparing 4 ME/CFS Samples with New Tool
- Evidence of ME/CFS improving using Microbiome Data
- Rosacea, Circulation and mild CFS
- A series of samples overtime from a CFS/ME person
- A German CFS Patient Experience and Analysis
- ME/CFS Microbiome after 5 years
- ME/CFS after trying suggestions from Dr.A.I.
- A ME/CFS Microbiome Analysis
- CFS / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Microbiome Analysis
- A review of a ME/CFS Microbiome
- A ME/CFS – Lyme Patient Recovering
- Follow up to: A German CFS Patient Experience and Analysis
- Update on a ME/CFS patient
- Spouse of 35 year CFS Patient
- A CFS Patient after 35 years
- Comparing Microbiomes around a CFS/ME flare
- An early twenties CFS Patient Analysis
- Another Microbiome Analysis of a ME/CFS person
- Microbiome Analysis of a ME/CFS person
- Analysis of a ME/CFS Microbiome
- Bacteria Triggering Coagulation and Micro clots
- Microclots and Microbiome: Interaction
- Interesting Successful Clinical Trial for Long COVID and ?ME/CFS ?
- Long COVID: microbiome scents – we smell a skunk!
- Long Covid Study – VERY early data
- Bacteria Shifts Seen in Long COVID
- Updated Reading List of Long COVID and the Microbiome
- Picking Antibiotics and Prescription Drugs for ME/CFS and Long COVID from your microbiome
- Supplements for COVID
- Microbiome Modelled Suggestions for Long Covid
- Special Studies: General ME/CFS
- Special Studies: ME/CFS with IBS