@Merida, my doctor said I need to take Vitamin K2 or MK-7 in order for calcium to be directed to my bones and not to other places in my body. He also strongly sugggested that I not take any vitamins or supplements with calcium in them.I do not know the research on CFS and bone health, but many in our support group had osteopenia, including me. PremPro ( hormone supplement ) reversed my bone loss, but I stopped it several years ago due to concerns about cancers.
I have multiple calcified phleboliths ( calcium phosphate deposits) in my abdomen and have often wondered why my body would be sucking calcium out of my bones and redepositing it in my abdomen. Is this to help balance blood pH ? My parathyroid function is normal, but that is something people may want to check.
Yes, I take a whole bunch of magnesium every day, as well as D3 and K2. My doc isn't recommending mammograms for me either. I'm a little nervous about that, but I'm also glad not to have to have them. I know my sister and many women friends who have gone through untold angst and pain over things that didn't turn out to be cancer. Of course, on the other hand, I have relatives and friends who have had breast cancer that was discovered by mammogram. Hard to know what to do.I don't deal with CFS but have my issues. I don't take calcium supplements per se. Eat greens as best I can and some cheese.
Magnesium is major necessary and D3 and K2. I've been working this issue for many yrs. and feel the doctors and others are so misguided on taking calcium and not going to the magnesium deficiency. I could go on and on but throwing this out.
The only two mammograms I had in my early 50's showed calcifications and put that worry in my mind and I'm sure many many women.
No mamms since then and that's about 25 yrs ago.
Thanks for the tip, Jam! I haven't tried coconut oil toothpaste. I was just considering trying some non-flouride toothpaste. Best wishes with your knee problems.