Hi everyone.
I'm a new member but long term follower of Healthrising. I'm interested in information about CFS/ME diagnosis after chemo and hysterectomy with bilateral sapling/oorphorectomy due to ovarian cancer ( 2004-2005.) About a year after chemo was complete, I experienced disabling fatigue. I made the rounds of specialists for 8 months. I looked fine on paper. I began seeing Dr. Lapp and after following me for several years he diagnosed CFS/ME. I had no pain - as in fibromyalgia - and still do not. Has anyone had similar experience? Does anyone know if chemo and/or these above mentioned surgeries can cause CFS/ME?
I stopped seeing Dr. Lapp years ago - not because I didn't like him a lot. Now I'm thinking about seeing Dr. Klimas. Anyone seen her recently? Results?
Thank you
I'm a new member but long term follower of Healthrising. I'm interested in information about CFS/ME diagnosis after chemo and hysterectomy with bilateral sapling/oorphorectomy due to ovarian cancer ( 2004-2005.) About a year after chemo was complete, I experienced disabling fatigue. I made the rounds of specialists for 8 months. I looked fine on paper. I began seeing Dr. Lapp and after following me for several years he diagnosed CFS/ME. I had no pain - as in fibromyalgia - and still do not. Has anyone had similar experience? Does anyone know if chemo and/or these above mentioned surgeries can cause CFS/ME?
I stopped seeing Dr. Lapp years ago - not because I didn't like him a lot. Now I'm thinking about seeing Dr. Klimas. Anyone seen her recently? Results?
Thank you