Chemicals we don't need in products - Skin Deep Cosmetics Database

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I got a book years ago, Gorgeously Green, about the the chemicals and stuff in our daily life and products we used. After seeing what some chemicals can do to us I try to be as chemical free as I can with personal products.

I don't buy toothpaste or shampoo, or anything with SLS, Sodium Laurel Sulphate, which is what makes stuff foam and is a hormone disrupter. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer.

So this morning I was looking for a moisturizer and I noticed something. Almost always when a product says Paraben Free it has a different, just as bad preservative, phenoxythenol.

If you're concerned about what chemicals can do to you, and it's pretty easy to find stuff that is good and not expensive, check this out.

Sophie Uliano has a list of the top 10 bad chemicals


Well-Known Member
I've read up a lot about that stuff too. It's scary when you think about it! One thing that I always remember (can't remember who said/wrote it): your skin absorbs everything you put on it, so whatever you put on your skin is like putting it in your mouth and eating it. That's why I started using coconut oil and olive oil a lot for moisturizing, make up removal, etc. I works really well, and it's pretty cheap too!

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
I've read up a lot about that stuff too. It's scary when you think about it! One thing that I always remember (can't remember who said/wrote it): your skin absorbs everything you put on it, so whatever you put on your skin is like putting it in your mouth and eating it. That's why I started using coconut oil and olive oil a lot for moisturizing, make up removal, etc. I works really well, and it's pretty cheap too!

I've found it easy to find stuff that doesn't have a bunch of junk in it and it's not that expensive. You just have to know what to look out for.


Well-Known Member
@Who Me? but have you found products that are actually GOOD? Like the consistency and stuff? I've tried many really good (as in safe) products, like creams and shampoos, but they were all kinda weird... That's when I thought those bad chemicals were in there for a reason...

Do you buy your products online? i'd love to check it out!

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@bobby. The SLS Is only in stuff to make it foam. Zero benefit. Parabens are bad . They are a chemical preservative. I used to use Philosphy stuff. It has about 5 kinds of Parabens and chemical scents.

For shower and lotion I use Nubian Heritage. I'm funny about scents but I love Honey Black seed and goats milk chai

For hair I use Desert Essence. Those I have to check. The coconut shampoo and conditioner are good and the green apple and raspberry shampoo

I found a powdered baking soda toothpaste I like.

All are at iherb or other places.

Blanking on other stuff I use

Green beaver toothpaste is good. Google SLS free toothpaste.


Well-Known Member
I've been making my moisturizer, toothpaste, lip balm for a long time. Now I've just made hair conditioner, which is the easiest thing possible. It took just a couple ingredients I got from aussiesoaps, which must be available in many places local to you. Emuslifying wax + panthethine powder + H20. Costs pennies, takes minutes. The site doesn't allow copying any of the content, but you can take screen shots. I also got a body creme recipe from them that's better than anything else I've ever made. It has more ingredients, is a bit more fiddly, but if you have enough energy, it's gratifying, healthy, and excellent results. I settled on the "Body yogurt" recipe from the same site, after reviewing dozens of recipes from various sources.

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