Cold sores/fever blisters with symptom flares?


Active Member
I get a flair in ME and FM symptoms and then my all around my mouth I break out in yukky fever blisters or cold sores as some would call them, even when I haven't had any cold symptoms or fever. Please explain this to me.
Also, why do latent viruses suddenly flair up when I seemed to be doing pretty good, then wham?
I would like to hear as many thoughts from as many of you as possible, Thanks! P.S. - Is there anything I can do to control this?


Well-Known Member
It may be that the herpes (cold sore) virus starts reproducing and activates your immune system before you notice any physical signs. Your activated immune system releases cytokines, which activate your glial cells, which in turn increases the severity of your ME symptoms.

There's no cure for that herpes virus yet, although all the research for Covid vaccines might lead to one. There are some antiviral treatments that reduce the severity and duration of the herpes outbreak, but that might only shorten the time by a few days.

My cold sores generally trigger when the skin around my lips chill a bit. It sometimes starts up below a nostril during cold weather (the extra mucus cools the skin down even more). I think that virus starts up when it drops below normal body temperature. Maybe 'doing pretty good' somehow reduces your overall body temperature, or you end up doing something that cools wherever it is that your cold sores appear.

Oh, another possibility: for whatever reason, your immune system weakens a bit, which reduces your cytokine levels, which in turn reduces your ME symptoms. That weakness in turn allows the virus to start reproducing again.

I keep a food/activity/symptoms journal. If you keep one, you might be able to notice a pattern, such as a lack of vitamin C before the cold sores trigger, or maybe having some food that damages your immune system.

I find that applying moderate heat to the cold sores speeds up the healing. They usually clear up in a day or two if I apply heat.


Active Member
It may be that the herpes (cold sore) virus starts reproducing and activates your immune system before you notice any physical signs. Your activated immune system releases cytokines, which activate your glial cells, which in turn increases the severity of your ME symptoms.

There's no cure for that herpes virus yet, although all the research for Covid vaccines might lead to one. There are some antiviral treatments that reduce the severity and duration of the herpes outbreak, but that might only shorten the time by a few days.

My cold sores generally trigger when the skin around my lips chill a bit. It sometimes starts up below a nostril during cold weather (the extra mucus cools the skin down even more). I think that virus starts up when it drops below normal body temperature. Maybe 'doing pretty good' somehow reduces your overall body temperature, or you end up doing something that cools wherever it is that your cold sores appear.

Oh, another possibility: for whatever reason, your immune system weakens a bit, which reduces your cytokine levels, which in turn reduces your ME symptoms. That weakness in turn allows the virus to start reproducing again.

I keep a food/activity/symptoms journal. If you keep one, you might be able to notice a pattern, such as a lack of vitamin C before the cold sores trigger, or maybe having some food that damages your immune system.

I find that applying moderate heat to the cold sores speeds up the healing. They usually clear up in a day or two if I apply heat.
Thank you Creekside!
Someone also told me that stress is affecting me, and triggers fever blisters. Do they come from chicken pox, because I never had any cold sore as a child, but after I was sick with the chicken pox at age 21, then later, the fever blisters began.


Well-Known Member
Someone also told me that stress is affecting me, and triggers fever blisters.

Stress can affect immune system function, so it's quite reasonable that stress will allow a dormant virus to activate.

Do they come from chicken pox, because I never had any cold sore as a child,

No, cold sores are a herpex simplex virus HSV-1. They're not a response to fever or other viruses, but those things disturb the body's immune systems which can allow the dormant virus to activate. If you didn't get cold sores as a child, it was probably because you hadn't contracted the HSV-1 yet.

From Google:

Why did I get a cold sore out of nowhere?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once this virus is in you, it can cause outbreaks of cold sores. Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, changing hormone levels, or even stress."

Cold sores are just one of those annoying realities of life.


Active Member
Cold sores were a big problem for me as well until I found a supplement called Beta Glucan by Jarrow. I take 250mgs 2xaday. It has Branched B1,3/B1,6. I get it online from Vitacost a USA based supplement website. Other websites may also sell it as well. It's an immune system booster.
Immune system problems, major stress and sugar binges were big factors in causing mine to appear. I seldom get one now. If I do It's a tiny one and it's caused by sugar. Sugar can down your immune system for a few hours. Wish I could get rid of those sugar cravings! I need to leave the goodies in the store. Ha! I know that works!


Active Member
Thank you Edie for the supplement recommendation. I have avoided sugar, except naturally occurring in fresh fruit. I do hope that you will feel better.


Thank you Creekside!
Someone also told me that stress is affecting me, and triggers fever blisters. Do they come from chicken pox, because I never had any cold sore as a child, but after I was sick with the chicken pox at age 21, then later, the fever blisters began.
It may be that the herpes (cold sore) virus starts reproducing and activates your immune system before you notice any physical signs. Your activated immune system releases cytokines, which activate your glial cells, which in turn increases the severity of your ME symptoms.

There's no cure for that herpes virus yet, although all the research for Covid vaccines might lead to one. There are some antiviral treatments that reduce the severity and duration of the herpes outbreak, but that might only shorten the time by a few days.

My cold sores generally trigger when the skin around my lips chill a bit. It sometimes starts up below a nostril during cold weather (the extra mucus cools the skin down even more). I think that virus starts up when it drops below normal body temperature. Maybe 'doing pretty good' somehow reduces your overall body temperature, or you end up doing something that cools wherever it is that your cold sores appear.

Oh, another possibility: for whatever reason, your immune system weakens a bit, which reduces your cytokine levels, which in turn reduces your ME symptoms. That weakness in turn allows the virus to start reproducing again.

I keep a food/activity/symptoms journal. If you keep one, you might be able to notice a pattern, such as a lack of vitamin C before the cold sores trigger, or maybe having some food that damages your immune system.

I find that applying moderate heat to the cold sores speeds up the healing. They usually clear up in a day or two if I apply heat.
Stress can affect immune system function, so it's quite reasonable that stress will allow a dormant virus to activate.

No, cold sores are a herpex simplex virus HSV-1. They're not a response to fever or other viruses, but those things disturb the body's immune systems which can allow the dormant virus to activate. If you didn't get cold sores as a child, it was probably because you hadn't contracted the HSV-1 yet.

From Google:

Why did I get a cold sore out of nowhere?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once this virus is in you, it can cause outbreaks of cold sores. Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, changing hormone levels, or even stress."

Cold sores are just one of those annoying realities of life.
I have been on this path for 27 years and yes cold sores can be from the herpes virus, but they are not the only reason a person with me/cfs can get them. It can also be from stress or too much sugar or other imbalances in your body. I have tested this theory over the years many times as I am prone to cold sores and blisters in my mouth! They are very painful. I know for me I do a lot of vitamin C. It works for me and keeps these sores at bay most of the time. You have to learn how much vitamin C works for you. I like the timed release vitamin C and I take 8,000 a day when I am doing fine or okay. If I feel like I am starting to come down with something or I am feeling off I will do Vitamin C until I have loose bowels and then cut back by 1,000 (or one capsule as I get the 1,000 capsules). This old method works and I have worked it for a lot of years. Each person is different and you have to find what works for you. I wish you all the best. ~Mary


Well-Known Member
I have been on this path for 27 years and yes cold sores can be from the herpes virus, but they are not the only reason a person with me/cfs can get them. It can also be from stress or too much sugar or other imbalances in your body.

I'm no expert, but I think cold sores are simply the visible result of HSV-1 viral replication. Stress and various other factors can cause the conditions that reactivate the virus and allow it to reproduce, but those factors don't cause the actual sores. VitC and other factors can reduce the virus's ability to reactivate and reproduce. I'm pretty sure that lowering the local temperature (cold air on wet lips, for example) is another factor that favours the virus, and that raising the temperature on/around the sore can help deactivate it more quickly.

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