For starters this info from WAP is not just about 5G....
And from the day the "pandemic" switch was turned out we have gotten herds of opinions on all of it... And Gates virus and Fauci are big factors.
We believe that the best explanation for the illness–characterized by hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and widespread clotting—is exposure to electro-magnetic radiation, especially exposure to 5G millimeter technology, deployed first in large cities and then in small cities and communities throughout the world.......
Their primary explanation for it I have quoted for you. They totally miss the primary cause which I know is what accurately includes all those classed as being vulnerable to it. I have been studying this for about 7 years and this pandemic is a natural extension to that because it can explain why some people, mostly older people or those with underlying illnesses react badly to this coronavirus and can die from it. It is not because of the reasons that the people at Westonaprice are hoping to sell their book. A typical conspiracy theory IMO with no validity.
Stephen Harrod Buhners articles on the SARS-CoV-2 virus explain why some people experience hypoxia and lung damage and why it is damaging and most importantly how to combat it.
Needless to say I will not waste money by purchasing their useless book. I would recommend that anyone reading this also does not waste their money on the book. If there is any conspiracy it is the giant multinational drug companies who secretly know what causes the majority of disease and is the real reason why they have stopped antimicrobial development. It is not because antimicrobials[antibiotics] are not profitable, it is because any developed antimicrobials will harm their whole industry when the causes of so many profitable illnesses are more widely known and proven. This will impact all CFS sufferers when someone else works it out. BTW I know the cause, I have known for 6.5 years but I have been through so much that making progress has been extremely difficult. Life is just impossible for me ATM.
BTW there is an idiot on curezone who discredited himself by saying similar things about viruses. I now ignore any further posts that he makes.