COVID-19 "Long haulers"


Well-Known Member
Well, several newspaper and online articles have appeared discussing COVID-19 "Long haulers", which means people who can't get well after having the illness. At first I thought they were going to be articles about truck drivers getting COVID-19!

Here is a really good article:

It has a quote from Jen Brea in it! Yay!

Here is a less great article:

In the above article, There is a quote from a Daniel Kuritzkes, chief of the division of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital. It is talking about why these patients' symptoms won't go away:

"Another possibility is that the persisting and recurring symptoms are caused by a separate, chronic post-viral syndrome, experts, including Kuritzkes, have said. But Kuritzkes said he doesn't believe such syndromes are common. "

Oh, he doesn't believe such syndromes are common? How did he get his job with such massive ignorance?! I have news for him: THEY ARE COMMON. Learn about ME/CFS!

Or am I misunderstanding him?


Well-Known Member
It sounds like there are a lot of these patients already. And they are getting media attention.

I was watching CNN today and Brooke Baldwin was talking to a doctor, and the doctor brought up the subject of COVID long haulers. How much power will this phenomenon and these people have to change the world?


Well-Known Member
My God, the media coverage is astonishing. On CNN this morning a reporter just said:
"If young people get this illness they could end up with chronic fatigue syndrome, which they could have for life."

As if it's common knowledge! It's just so weird to hear people on TV talking about our illness.


Active Member
I have been hearing a lot of stories about people's experiences post COVID-19. Some who have severe breathing difficulties, exhaustion, some with brain fog and other problems which I cannot recall. There have been many recollections by people, including a doctor earlier on Tuesday morning on BBC Radio 5. This comes up regularly.

I believe that I had COVID-19 in June. I had difficulty breathing which I have never experienced before. My breathing has always been excellent apart from having a big requirement for oxygen. I would not describe it as air hunger like some describe their experience. I think that many sufferes breath very shallow due to their high stress response. I take a herb which stops that and lowers my stress levels by treating the kidneys and HPA axis.

I did have some herbs which I used which helped my breathing and stopped the breathing problems. I learned of them from Stephen Harrod Buhners guide on COVID-19. I did speak to a Doctor on the phone and she did want to send an ambulance but I refused because of the high risk that I was at because of my other health issues and they do not know how to treat COVID-19 IMO. I had the herbs necessary to treat my breathing and treat the virus. I did have a strongly antimicrobial and antiviral herb which is very effective against it but I would not use that because I am saving that to use against the micro-organisms that cause my CFS/ME. If I had used the herb then they would of developed resistance against it. That is something which I am not going to allow because when I eventually use it I intend to use other things to eliminate any resistance and any adaptability to antimicrobials. I am very hopeful that I can finally eliminate CFS and restore my health. That is desperately needed following the adverse effects of COVID-19 and/or T1 diabetes ie kidney disease which I have not yet been able to get tested in order to find out how severe the degree. I am having to take a lot more in order to help with that which is costing me even more time and money and I cannot afford either, especially time.


There is a growing body of media articles now about Covid "long haulers" ... I have read numerous interviews of people left with the symptoms, and wow, do they ever sound exactly as though they are describing what many of us experience with ME/CFS. The long-haulers, many of them young and previously very healthy, talk in the interviews about crippling fatigue, headaches, cardiac problems, weakness, inability to work or carry out normal daily stuff or look after their kids, mental fog, a sense that they have lost the body they had before, that they cannot resume their normal lives, waves of illness that come and go ... AND also that doctors don't believe them, family and friends don't believe them, they feel all alone, they can't get help, they are told it's in their heads, they are given medication for anxiety ... all sounds so familiar, right?

Wow. And they've "only" been sick for five or six months. How alone are they going to feel after thirty years?

Am I the only person with ME who finds the media circus around this a tad confusing ... since there were millions of ME sufferers pre-Covid who had all these problems for decades! Doctors in the interviews all act as though they have never heard of virally-triggered chronic illness. Really???

I feel very sorry for these long-haulers, and hope that maybe the attention being given to them will result in research that will help ALL of us, and that maybe more attention will be paid to viruses as catalysts of ME. Anyone know if any such research efforts are being spurred on by the Covid crisis, which maybe will be able to accomplish what the ME crisis didn't?


Fell sorry for the long-haulers as well, hope they will survive the treatment period and have the vaccine very soon.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I thought it was about truck drivers at first as well (lol). I too have amazed at all the stories. There are so many stories that I'm a bit overwhelmed at the thought of doing a blog on them - which I am about to do.

That's a nice change - too much good data!


Well-Known Member
I wonder how you folks are doing that had the Virus? And then got the vaccines on top of it all. I did not have the virus and no chance that I'll do the Mrna technology unapproved jabs. I'm beginning to think those who had the virus and then got the jabs could be having more issues re: Long Hauling.

Heard some discussion on NPR last night on this Long Hauler stuff.

For me it continues to be Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape Seed Extract and to date have not gotten any Quercetin, but it is probably a good idea.;)

When one stops and thinks of all the new words that have come out of this virus: distancing, masking, sanitizing, droplets, long haulers, omg what a journey it's been and continues.....


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I wonder how you folks are doing that had the Virus? And then got the vaccines on top of it all. I did not have the virus and no chance that I'll do the Mrna technology unapproved jabs. I'm beginning to think those who had the virus and then got the jabs could be having more issues re: Long Hauling.

Heard some discussion on NPR last night on this Long Hauler stuff.

For me it continues to be Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape Seed Extract and to date have not gotten any Quercetin, but it is probably a good idea.;)

When one stops and thinks of all the new words that have come out of this virus: distancing, masking, sanitizing, droplets, long haulers, omg what a journey it's been and continues.....
Health Rising's poll suggests that some people are having problems but that most people are doing fine with the vaccines. The polls also suggest that quite a few people with ME/CFS who get the virus are having a lot of trouble getting over it.

I'm doing another survey of ME/CFS physicians. So far they are all for people with ME/CFS getting the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Health Rising's poll suggests that some people are having problems but that most people are doing fine with the vaccines. The polls also suggest that quite a few people with ME/CFS who get the virus are having a lot of trouble getting over it.

I'm doing another survey of ME/CFS physicians. So far they are all for people with ME/CFS getting the vaccine

Most allopathic docs are all for the vaccines, all kinds. I don't see allopathic doc but even so I have not done a vaccine in about 40 yrs, except for a tetnus. So much is still evolving from the short time these drugs have been used on the people.

The doctors don't know long term on any of these tech drugs and people being mass injected.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Most allopathic docs are all for the vaccines, all kinds. I don't see allopathic doc but even so I have not done a vaccine in about 40 yrs, except for a tetnus. So much is still evolving from the short time these drugs have been used on the people.

The doctors don't know long term on any of these tech drugs and people being mass injected.
I haven't either. Who knows? Maybe the vaccine will have good long term effects? The BCG vaccine is being suggested I think for FM and Gottfries used a vaccine for years to treat ME/CFS....Maybe the right immune booster will help?


Well-Known Member
Maybe it will help, wouldn't that be a winner. A friend on P.R. who is very alternative and is challenged with ME has taken the jabs and I was surprised. Lots of fear out there. Nothing like our own natural strong immune system.

Just heard all day yesterday, the 2 big factors for the covid and the deaths is High BP and Diabetes...for a long time it was Obesity...

Ir all changes day by day.


Well-Known Member
Just when I thought I'd heard it all, Get This Today...any Truth, who knows, we've been lied to so much I post stuff and see what the Universe has to say:

I've never had any covid or any flu issues and no vaccines.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Just when I thought I'd heard it all, Get This Today...any Truth, who knows, we've been lied to so much I post stuff and see what the Universe has to say:

I've never had any covid or any flu issues and no vaccines.

Don't worry about it. We can't even get people vaccinated beyond 50% of the population in some states. Monthly is laughable. Such news is a waste of emotional energy. Save your spoons.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
My God, the media coverage is astonishing. On CNN this morning a reporter just said:
"If young people get this illness they could end up with chronic fatigue syndrome, which they could have for life."

As if it's common knowledge! It's just so weird to hear people on TV talking about our illness.

Sorry for late reply, but let's get this thread back on track. :)

I'm loving the media attention too. I dare to hope.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I haven't either. Who knows? Maybe the vaccine will have good long term effects? The BCG vaccine is being suggested I think for FM and Gottfries used a vaccine for years to treat ME/CFS....Maybe the right immune booster will help?

FWIW I got the Pfizer one. My risk of dying if I got wild covid was 100% so long term effects were like... yeah so what? I got two months of Covid arm and doctors flailing and living in denial about it. Until I read enough pubmed.... the cure is N-acetyl-L-cysteine, plain old NAC.

SMH doctors really need a memo about that.

typo.. my brain uncramped and I updated to the correct name for NAC
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