COVID vaccine risks for those with ME/CFS


Active Member
I've been trying to collect data on this topic as I've noticed that an unusual number of ME/CFS and Long COVID patients show up in the vaccine injury support groups.

For some reason, getting the COVID vaccine is like playing Russian roulette (*IF* you have Long COVID or ME/CFS). This is what the data from React19, MEA UK, SolveME, and ANZMES is saying.

React19: Roughly 1 in 5 risk of significant worsening of symptoms in Long COVID patients following COVID vaccination.


ANZMES: 19.8% were reported as “worsened and not returned to baseline - relapsed”

Solve ME: In their survey, 19% of people with ME/CFS said health worsened after vaccination compared to 4% reported by controls. 9% of ME/CFS reported that their health had improved

ME Association UK also has survey data, including data on hep B being the trigger blamed for the surveyee's ME/CFS.

Some people do get a lot better after COVID vccntn. However, the risk/benefit does not seem to be there.

One exception is a survey from LongCovidSOS. More than half improved after \/, with less than a fifth reporting that they got worse. Different results are likely due to survey design and how the survey question was phrased.


A Survivor Corps poll (that was cited in a pre-print) found favourable outcomes for vaccination. ~35% reported improvement, ~13% reported that they got worse. However... I can't verify the reliability of the data. (Too many deletions in that group.)


Other groups haven't published their data/analyses yet. PLRC ran a vaccine safety survey. Yale ran a vax study that's been troubled due to recruiting difficulties in the beginning.

Randomized controller trials would yield more reliable data. But unless such data is published, patients need to make decisions based on less reliable data. We should apply the pre-cautionary principle and go with where the data leads.

My take: The COVID vaccines simply do not have a good risk/benefit profile in people with chronic illness, especially given other alternatives available. More people need to have the courage to say what needs to be said. There's been enough suffering as it is.


Well-Known Member
My take: The COVID vaccines simply do not have a good risk/benefit profile in people with chronic illness, especially given other alternatives available. More people need to have the courage to say what needs to be said. There's been enough suffering as it is.
I'm a member of those groups, dont recall seeing the surveys. I have had 3 vaccines and will be getting a booster. I wonder where the surveys are on how many people with ME got worse after covid. I havent had it yet, I'm not risking getting long covid on top of ME, if it doesnt kill me.


Well-Known Member
I'm a member of those groups, dont recall seeing the surveys. I have had 3 vaccines and will be getting a booster. I wonder where the surveys are on how many people with ME got worse after covid. I havent had it yet, I'm not risking getting long covid on top of ME, if it doesnt kill me.
You continue to get more unapproved jabs in your body. Where are your smarts and Common Sense? Work with your own immune system as there is So Much for us to take on our own to strengthen the immune systems....the jabs do NOT...


Well-Known Member
Ever wonder why there were no vaccines for the coronavirus (SARS) outbreak in 2003? Too many red flags and safety concerns. I agree with the's like playing Russian Roulette with these new vaccines. There was way too much pressure to come up with a vaccine and FAST. Not enough time for proper evaluation of the safety of these vaccines.

Not a risk I'm willing to take.

I think there is a risk for anyone.............not just for people with CFS/ME.

I don't think the negative affects of these new vaccines will every be reportedly properly nor honestly.
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Well-Known Member
You continue to get more unapproved jabs in your body. Where are your smarts and Common Sense? Work with your own immune system as there is So Much for us to take on our own to strengthen the immune systems....the jabs do NOT...
Dont be daft, the jabs are approved. "Strengthening the immune system" is difficult, I'm not neglecting that but not relying on it either. Too many people like this


Well-Known Member
Dont be daft, the jabs are approved. "Strengthening the immune system" is difficult, I'm not neglecting that but not relying on it either. Too many people like this

They are NOT approved, FDA would like you to think that, but NOT so. Approval; for effective vaccines need 5-10 yrs and not months as this rushed thru stuff has's $$$$ and many keep dying with the jabs. You believe the govt on this???????


"5G component of the genocide plan"???
I think the whole "Security Camera" ad campaign is completely inappropriate given the context of the subject matter. Frankly, disgusting. What has been, and should be included is factual science regarding the state of health for ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia patients. Very disappointing that commecialism had reared its ugly head. Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
I think the whole "Security Camera" ad campaign is completely inappropriate given the context of the subject matter. Frankly, disgusting. What has been, and should be included is factual science regarding the state of health for ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia patients. Very disappointing that commecialism had reared its ugly head. Shame on you.
I assume this is directed at me, because you quoted me, but I haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

Should I be ashamed for mocking an article full of gross hyperbole? [headscratch]


Please don't draw personal offense to my thread. I am not referencing you, I am referencing those responsible for the posted 'article' and the commercial that they chose to include to open a grossly hyperbolic presentation. I have watched an immediate family member lose any chance of surviving ME/CFS, and I am passionate about information efficacy. Again, for the record, I am not holding you responsible for the author's presentation. Thank you for understanding.


Well-Known Member
Please don't draw personal offense to my thread. I am not referencing you, I am referencing those responsible for the posted 'article' and the commercial that they chose to include to open a grossly hyperbolic presentation. I have watched an immediate family member lose any chance of surviving ME/CFS, and I am passionate about information efficacy. Again, for the record, I am not holding you responsible for the author's presentation. Thank you for understanding.
Ok. Perhaps next time, you would do better to quote the objectionable material in your criticism instead.


New Member
I've been trying to collect data on this topic as I've noticed that an unusual number of ME/CFS and Long COVID patients show up in the vaccine injury support groups.

For some reason, getting the COVID vaccine is like playing Russian roulette (*IF* you have Long COVID or ME/CFS). This is what the data from React19, MEA UK, SolveME, and ANZMES is saying.

React19: Roughly 1 in 5 risk of significant worsening of symptoms in Long COVID patients following COVID vaccination.

View attachment 3392

ANZMES: 19.8% were reported as “worsened and not returned to baseline - relapsed”

Solve ME: In their survey, 19% of people with ME/CFS said health worsened after vaccination compared to 4% reported by controls. 9% of ME/CFS reported that their health had improved

ME Association UK also has survey data, including data on hep B being the trigger blamed for the surveyee's ME/CFS.
Some people do get a lot better after COVID vccntn. However, the risk/benefit does not seem to be there.
One exception is a survey from LongCovidSOS. More than half improved after \/, with less than a fifth reporting that they got worse. Different results are likely due to survey design and how the survey question was phrased.

View attachment 3393

A Survivor Corps poll (that was cited in a pre-print) found favourable outcomes for vaccination. ~35% reported improvement, ~13% reported that they got worse. However... I can't verify the reliability of the data. (Too many deletions in that group.)

View attachment 3394

Other groups haven't published their data/analyses yet. PLRC ran a vaccine safety survey. Yale ran a vax study that's been troubled due to recruiting difficulties in the beginning.

Randomized controller trials would yield more reliable data. But unless such data is published, patients need to make decisions based on less reliable data. We should apply the pre-cautionary principle and go with where the data leads.

My take: The COVID vaccines simply do not have a good risk/benefit profile in people with chronic illness, especially given other alternatives available. More people need to have the courage to say what needs to be said. There's been enough suffering as it is.
I am 74 and I just got my 5th Covid jab, 3rd booster. I have long Covid, dating from before vaccines were available. I didn't particularly pay attention to after effects previously, but this time I did. I feel I had a moderate reaction lasting about a week, then felt better (i.e., back to baseline, not better better).

Polls I've looked at seem to suggest up to 25% of long haulers will experience worsening symptoms but none of them suggest for how long. Permanently or temporarily?

Since I am in a high risk category age-wise, I chose to get the jab, but it was after a lot of hesitancy. I still do wonder if I have not recovered from long Covid in 2.5 years, whether the vaccine jabs are involved in prolonging my illness.


Well-Known Member
Well, the pushers are back at it pushing more and more shots and the masks again....they are relentless and pushing our country to a China sTATE...i Money Money Money, Control Control the people..and reduce the population.

How those w ho continue to jab this unapproved toxin their bodies is bizzare.
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