Cream Removes Pain for FM Sufferer


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Interesting! A cream reportedly works where opioids and FM drugs didn't.

British singer ditches pharma cocktail and “cures” her fibromyalgia with a natural cream made primarily of fatty acid
She tried all the FM drugs and opioids - they didn't work and actually made her worse - and then this cream - this cheap $13 cream did.

From the article:

About six years ago Farrell, a bank clerk, suddenly developed fibromyalgia, which is a musculoskeletal disorder that leads to debilitating fatigue and stiffness of muscles. The condition so affected her that she was forced to leave her job and became practically bedridden. Worse, she no longer could pursue her first love, which was singing.

But then Farrell managed to find her miracle drug-free cure: A cream called Celafen, with active ingredient celadrin, a combination of fatty acids that produce anti-inflammatory effects that are similar to properties in fish oil.

The Daily Mail noted further:

Celafen is a natural chemical free formulation containing celadrin, menthol, vitamin E anti-oxidants and arnica.

“I was amazed that within a few hours of putting the cream on my knees and my neck, the pain started to ease and the swelling abated slightly,” she told the Daily Mail. “By the end of the first week, I was able to start reducing my daily intake of painkillers.

“Luckily, a simple cream has helped me manage the pain and allowed me to come off most of the painkillers and return to an almost normal life again,” she added. (Related: Beat Fibromyalgia naturally.)

Celafen is said to work by “lubricating the cell membranes and repelling inflammatory chemicals responsible for pain, stiffness and reduced mobility, according to the manufacturers,” the Daily Mail reported.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of Celadrin that was published in the Journal of Rheumatology, the natural treatment was found to improve joint flexibility and “significantly improve” a user’s ability to walk long distances.

After she began her treatment, Farrell was able to return to work and begin singing again. Recently, she was able to perform at a local opera house to raise money for charity.

“I felt completely normal again, like my old self,” she said. “I was able to start driving again, which I’d not been able to do for two years. It has been like coming to the end of a prison sentence, to have that freedom back again.”


Active Member
Has anyone else tried this cream? And where would one purchase it? Is anyone familiar with that active ingredient, celadrin?
Oh, on my second attempt to read the post, more fully, I see it was published in the Journal of Rheumatology. Is that a reputable source, and where (what country) is it from?
Thank you for any further input on this.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
The nice things is that it sounds cheap.
Has anyone else tried this cream? And where would one purchase it? Is anyone familiar with that active ingredient, celadrin?
Oh, on my second attempt to read the post, more fully, I see it was published in the Journal of Rheumatology. Is that a reputable source, and where (what country) is it from?
Thank you for any further input on this.


Well-Known Member
I've used Celadrin over the years but not recently. Guess I need to try it again. I have tried so many for pain issues both FM and OA and favorite seems to be Topricin and Ultra Tiger Calm and some essential oils. Vicks salve is a great topical too and around forever.

One can buy Celadrin softgels too. Online stores all carry various ones.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Interesting! A cream reportedly works where opioids and FM drugs didn't.

British singer ditches pharma cocktail and “cures” her fibromyalgia with a natural cream made primarily of fatty acid
She tried all the FM drugs and opioids - they didn't work and actually made her worse - and then this cream - this cheap $13 cream did.

From the article:

Apparently there is an internal version that has cetyl mystreolate (sp?) as an active ingredient. Some reviewers call it Flexicin. I've also seen the trademark "Motion Lotion" that seems to refer to this as well.

The reviews on WebMD show benefits (their website is wierd, select the dropdown and choose "All reviews" to see them all, there are 12):

But I also encountered a lot of "coupon for Flexicin" type scams, so surf with care!

Thanks for the heads up.


Well-Known Member
I almost fell off my chair, Topricin Fibro cream was just advertised on my radio. It is new as they sell a Topricin for general pain, Topricin for foot therapy and now the Fibro cream. 6 oz and it's sold at the usual places.

These are homeopathic based remedies.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
I almost fell off my chair, Topricin Fibro cream was just advertised on my radio. It is new as they sell a Topricin for general pain, Topricin for foot therapy and now the Fibro cream. 6 oz and it's sold at the usual places.

These are homeopathic based remedies.

Quite true, they are homeopathic. The dilutions are low though, 8x. The most interesting ingredient to me is snake venom: (switch to ingredients)

When you google those items, Crotalus Horridus turns out to be a type of rattlesnake. Since pain research does extend to snake venom (but I thought the mamba snake was the darling of pain research), I'm assuming they're using it in a diluted form.

Anyway arnica is also an ingredient and is maybe the best known for its effect on bruising and injury pain. It doesn't seem suspicious.


Well-Known Member
I'm not suspicious of has to believe in what THEY ARE. They've been around for centuries, the world uses them except the U.S. which is the lowest user of these. U.S. is big pharma country.

I'm one American who feels they were born in a country far away since I'm just not into allopathic meds, take a couple but if I could NOT, I would NOT.


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