

Well-Known Member
I can't really pull together the information I have read over the years but... Somehow I remember that Cytokines in Fibromyalgia are depleted in number or perhaps their "strength" while in ME/CFS (Lipkin and Hornig studies) they are in two stages, either raging or damaged (the 3 year raging and afterward damaged from "exhaustion" themselves) .

Does anyone have any information like that? I know there is Fibromyalgia information on Cytokines but I can't find what is really going on with them like I have in the Lipkin/Hornig study.

And I bet there are some cross over Cytokines but not sure if they are all the same or not. I know in Fibro they have been able to distinguish Cytokines between Lupus and RA vs. Fibro.
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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I can't really pull together the information I have read over the years but... Somehow I remember that Cytokines in Fibromyalgia are depleted in number or perhaps their "strength" while in ME/CFS (Lipkin and Hornig studies) they are in two stages, either raging or damaged (the 3 year raging and afterward damaged from "exhaustion" themselves) .

Does anyone have any information like that? I know there is Fibromyalgia information on Cytokines but I can't find what is really going on with them like I have in the Lipkin/Hornig study.

And I bet there are some cross over Cytokines but not sure if they are all the same or not. I know in Fibro they have been able to distinguish Cytokines between Lupus and RA vs. Fibro.
Yes there is evidence of cytokine reductions in FM as well - although the time element has not popped up yet. I assume that most FM patients in studies have probably had the illness for a couple of years. The Houghton ME.CFS paper also found immune depletion in later duration patients. I am working on a blog about immune depletion in both ME/FS and FM.


Well-Known Member
I can't really pull together the information I have read over the years but... Somehow I remember that Cytokines in Fibromyalgia are depleted in number or perhaps their "strength" while in ME/CFS (Lipkin and Hornig studies) they are in two stages, either raging or damaged (the 3 year raging and afterward damaged from "exhaustion" themselves) .

Does anyone have any information like that? I know there is Fibromyalgia information on Cytokines but I can't find what is really going on with them like I have in the Lipkin/Hornig study.

And I bet there are some cross over Cytokines but not sure if they are all the same or not. I know in Fibro they have been able to distinguish Cytokines between Lupus and RA vs. Fibro.

Here's a link to the National Organization for Mitochondrial Disease, which claims 1/2500 has the
Disease. Maybe some questions answered here:

'Hope this helps,)

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