Its a shock to one's system and seems to rob one's life, hang in there, many have had significant improvement or recovery!
Various places on the internet have
surveys of what supplements helped most people e.g. Low Dose Naltraxone seems to have higher general success rate than many others, as a few people here also mentioned it helping them.
You need to
persist in trying things and eventually you find things that help, if you stack enough of those over time you get dramatic improvement, but a single full fix has up to now probably been the exception rather than the norm. In my case I regularly tried the most common or promising ones but then am forced to delve into treatments for my symptoms that are worst at any given time.
In my case decades of CFS and
microcirculation and auto-immune issues were much improved due to a regimen I built up over time. Then with Covid and subsequent flus it took a big knock again. Research in the last few years around persistent micro clotting common across chronic conditions and very marked in long covid have been an absolute eye opener for me - see
Out of the vast number of antioxidants I have tried for the diverse array of circulation related issues I have had to deal with, a small percentage have had dramatic effect. Going off them for even a few days has dramatic worsening of my condition which has always puzzled me. It turns out they were all anticoagulants affecting two of the three main coagulation/platelet activation pathways targeted by triple anticoagulation therapy - Turmeric, White Willow bark, Skullcap, Pomegranate. Studies on individual anticoagulant drugs have all shown one cannot break chronic illness cycles by targeting only one pathway. Very high clinical success rates with triple anticoagulation therapy has not yet been backed up by funded trials. Those with bleeding risks need to be carefully monitored and cardiologists are trained therein and routinely use triple anticoagulation therapy, but for use with other chronic conditions doctors tend to be nervous.
The third anticoagulation pathway that is not impacted by any yet identified commonly used western herb or supplement and only by prescripton medicine is to inhibition of the P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors. There is a herb very widely used for many centuries in China and since the 80s formally endorsed by cardiologists in the west for some circulatory challenges: Danshen (Radix Salviae miltiorrhiza)
Specialists in the US and South Africa who have been using the prescription triple anticoagulation regiment have seen success rates not yet seen in chronic conditions like these and lately mostly focussed on long covid. They warn the worst detox might happen in the third week, it is still a gradual process,
Another aspect is that one's amygdala can become overwhelmed and stress and anxiety and dorsal vagal nerve shutdown can become a runaway spiral. This is especially because trauma often contributes to the conditions trigering chronic illness. I have had to do a lot of work around calming my nervous system without shutting it down, for many years that had to be my primary focus, but its generally easy to manage now. If that happens to you there are many learnings others and I can share that worked for us and might work for you, e.g. Ashwagandha, Taurine, Buspirone, Wim Hoff Breathing, Breathing out twice as slow as in, belly breathing, throat pressure, DBT.
Hopefully you find enough of what worked for others to make enough of a difference for you that you feel motivated to persist in searching for full recovery and hopefully you will eventually share your full recovery story here with the rest of us, good luck!