Doctor Reports Vit D Resolves 30 Year Case of Fibromyalgia


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It was something of a special case - she was also agoraphobic which meant she rarely went outside and thus had little exposure to Vit D. Still her amazing turn around indicates how important Vit D can be for some people.

Not long ago, I was contacted by a follower on Twitter regarding a troubling case of chronic pain that this individual had been suffering with steadily since the age of 16—for almost 30 years. She wondered if I might be able to help her diagnose the cause of her ongoing symptoms, since a litany of doctors seemed perplexed as to how to stop her pain beyond prescribing a stream of heavy-duty opioid medication, which only temporarily masked her symptoms. We scheduled a phone consult and spent almost two hours thoroughly analyzing her case.


Fortunately, this would be easy to test with a quick blood test. Ironically, her regular doctor was reluctant to test for Vitamin D deficiency for Leah, arguing that this couldn’t be the cause of all her complex symptoms over such a long history of illness. Leah had to go to two clinics before she found one willing to run the test, and sure enough it immediately showed a significant deficiency. Leah began taking Vitamin D supplements, and even though it was not always easy for her to get outside because of her agoraphobia, she tried to get outside for daily sleeveless walks in the sunshine every day.

In the two months since conducting our analysis, Leah reports that her symptoms have done a complete 180° turn. She has only felt the need to take one pain pill, and has completely stopped taking the 2-3 daily anti-depressants that was a regular staple of her treatment program. She is happy, upbeat, and feeling stronger and healthier every day. (Watch for a video interview with Leah discussing her surprising and rapid turnaround on our YouTube channel in the coming weeks!)

Read the entire blog here -


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing those testimonials from the Vit D protocol used here in Brazil that I posted on another thread (here)

It's getting harder not to try it, but still hardest to have the guts for trying even though I never saw anyone reporting side effects....


It was something of a special case - she was also agoraphobic which meant she rarely went outside and thus had little exposure to Vit D. Still her amazing turn around indicates how important Vit D can be for some people.
I think this is an exceptional case, Cort. However, I do think everyone should have their Vit D level checked and supplement if it is low. A lot of doctors are suggesting keeping the level at the top[ I agree] And people who are overweight often require more. I keep mine at the top level and frequency of colds is much less[ only my opinion of course]


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
I think this is an exceptional case, Cort. However, I do think everyone should have their Vit D level checked and supplement if it is low. A lot of doctors are suggesting keeping the level at the top[ I agree] And people who are overweight often require more. I keep mine at the top level and frequency of colds is much less[ only my opinion of course]
I think you're right. Everyone should have their Vit D checked but I think this is comparable to stories of people finding that thyroid medication works superbly or that removing sugar or wheat from their diet does it for them.


Well-Known Member
Cort would you consider doing a poll on how many people have had their vitamin D level checked and if so whether it was low? Everyone with ME is likely to be vitamin D deficient because we have trouble getting out. I know that my health improved when I took vitamin D and that my levels were low when tested despite already being on a small supplement.

While it hasn't been a cure for me I went from being housebound and fearing becoming bedbound to being able to get outside and do things. Still have bad times, still need to rest but if you've been bedbound you really apppreciate just being able to get up every day. I wish I'd taken more and/or started sooner.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and I'd recommend anyone taking it does so with a source of fat. I now take 2000 IU daily with a fish oil capsule (also a source of vitamin D) and am thinking of getting a test to see if I need to increase that. I'll take it October to March and if I was housebound I'd take at least 400 iu all year.

The more I read about vitamin D the more I want to encourage people to have their level tested and remedy any deficiency.

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