Does anyone else feel better after dental anesthesia?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It always happens. I feel calmer, more relaxed and have more energy after getting shot up at the dentist. It generally lasts an hour or two..
Anybody else get that reaction?

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
Are you getting the kind with or without epinephrine?

Hard for me to tell because I get so amped up going out, dentist or not. I'm amped the rest of the day then BOOM! crash


Well-Known Member
It always happens. I feel calmer, more relaxed and have more energy after getting shot up at the dentist. It generally lasts an hour or two..
Anybody else get that reaction?
Not sure what was used in your case but I remember Dr. Goldstein had said that Lidocaine (sp?) helped some of his patients.


Well-Known Member
Most dental numbing shots have epinephrine in it. If you do a search on it and Noriepinepherine this will probably answer your question. For those of us with POTS (depends on what subset you are) some of us have found sudafed to be a temporary help similiar to Noriepinepherine. This was surprising that I would find benefit because I'm HyperPOTS which means my NE levels are too high with standing. Some of us hypothesize that this NE release is a compensation for upright posture with POTS. A good many of us with EDS have the HyperPOTS version along with MCAS. Noriepinepherine and especially epinephrine also works on allergy respone and they also work on vasoconstricting and vasodilation causing improvements with blood flow and oxygenation.

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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Are you getting the kind with or without epinephrine?

Hard for me to tell because I get so amped up going out, dentist or not. I'm amped the rest of the day then BOOM! crash
I don't know - I asked someone and she said novocaine but I didn't really trust her answer.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Most dental numbing shots have epinephrine in it. If you do a search on it and Noriepinepherine this will probably answer your question. For those of us with POTS (depends on what subset you are) some of us have found sudafed to be a temporary help similiar to Noriepinepherine. This was surprising that i would find benefit because I'm HyperPOTS which means my NE levels are too high with standing. Some of us hypothesize that this NE release is a compensation for upright posture with POTS. A good many of us wit EDS have the HyperPOTS version along with MCAS. Noriepinepherine and especially epinephrine also works on allergy respone and they also work on vasoconstricting and vasodilation causing improvements with blood flow and oxygenation.

Thanks. I guess I will try sudafed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I guess I will try sudafed.
Sadly for all of us that did the experiment, the good stopped working on day three, for the majority of us. We reserve it for when we need an "on" day.



Well-Known Member
Yes,my dear friend with severe CFS had the same reaction with lidocaine at the dentist. She had major work over many weeks, and couldn't wait to get there for the 'numbing' shots and a few good hours.

Since I have been focused on structure and function, here is another part. She read her sacrum MRI report to me : "intraosseous lipoma at S-2." Her neurologist had no comment on this. But if you read the tethered cord literature, you will see that the " fatty filum terminale" is one form of tethered spinal cord. Hmmmm.

Ruth Efird

New Member
I had the opposite reaction. After receiving lidocaine with epi for dry socket cleaning, 15 minutes later my BP dropped, I developed tachycardia, felt impending doom, couldn't stand, and had to lie down for several hours until it wore off. I have to have a filling this week, so am asking for med without epi. My adrenal fatigue was finally resolved prior to this so I don't know if the adrenals couldn't take the jolt of epi or not

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