Dr. Risch on The Key To Defeating Covid19 Already Exists


Well-Known Member

Good easy important read.

More on this old inexpensive drug to defeat the VIRUS.

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Well-Known Member
Wow, I see Natural News is at it again. Honestly, that article is so over-the-top I don't even know where to start critiquing it.

The 'American Front Line Doctors' video was not removed because it was censored. It was removed because the information in it was not accurate.

Speaking of political agendas, the 'American Front Line Doctors' video was put out by Breitbart news.


Well-Known Member
Many studies and people using it worldwide from what I've read. And now the guy in politics who came down with the Virus is using it with zinc and the abx drug. So lots of experiences out there.

I'm so against pharma drugs but many use them, of course, and live with what side effects they are given. I did my share, not many, and talk about side effects....so I avoid them, BUT maybe some do work.

And Natural News never left and I get a lot of good info from Mike and a lot I ignore....just like I do with our govt know it alls....puppets....
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Well-Known Member
Many studies and people using it worldwide from what I've read.
... And Natural News never left and I get a lot of good info from Mike and a lot I ignore

I'd love to see a link to those actual studies. Linking to Newsweek opinion piece is nothing but an anecdotal opinion.

You should actually ignore all of what Natural News says. It is well known for being misleading.

You don't have to take my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Just heard more discussion on the Hydroxy drug/zinc as probably the best prevention and treatment that is available. If one can't get the drug then it's said use quercetin (otc) and zinc as a substitute. The drug is hard to get now. So many are going to it.

The BIG vaccine may never come to pass.

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