See advantages with fat-tires during off-road only, otherwise it's a disadvantage. Here in Europe, e-bikes are of 2 types: with insurance (plate) allowed up to 40 km/h engine support, or pedelecs up to 25 km/h. I only have experience with the latter.
Pedelecs engine supports kicks in with pedaling, and shuts off above 25 km/h. Again basically 2 types: 1 more expensive applies engine support according to the speed/power you're pedaling with, the other is with fixed power determined by the selected support level (usually 5).
Therefore I only had to get used to, that even a half turn of the pedal kicks the engine on, which can be unfortunate for example at traffic lights, where a half pedal turn might propel one already half-way on the road. Therefore, always better to slow down with the lowest gear and lowest support level always.
Which is also good for longer life of the cycle-chain, usually not really that fit for the higher engine's power.
Even with my cheap pedelec version, the power is strong enough to bring me to never reached heights, here in the Alps. However, at the same time it's hydraulic brakes seem not constructed for such, get incredible hot very fast, and thereby brake-shoes have to be exchanged soon, with such unintended use.
Good to know also which terrain one mostly uses beforehand: mid-drive engines are much better in steep areas, hub engines in flat terrain (otherwise get hotter with lower torque, and thereby loose power).
Am concerned that likely I could not safely use even an e-bike.
In this case, a trike or quad-cycle would be best. There are specially ones manufactured for slightly disabled, like Anthrotech here: