Dear Cort & ME Community
I recently watched "Her Brain Was on fire." I came from Kauai back to the mainland.
Knowing after a stressful event & travel I go into a relapse. But this time was different.
Since March of 2015, I remember I spent weeks in bed, not really remembering much about my first day after a 10 hr. Flight or the next month, other than feeling so bad, I thought I caught a strange flu. I remember vaguely, wondering around the house in a daze, feeling detached. I wasn't getting better. Then I recall the dog in the house was throwing up! That was strange.
27 years being a severe case of ME/CFS I knew something more was going on.
I frantically began searching the symptoms. Everything pointed to Viral Meningitis? If not treated I don't know how long this virus can stay in the body? It took me weeks to find a provider to help me manage my pain severity. In the past, I have had to stay on Klonopin to control the ME brain inflammation, neuro cognitive function, intense migraines, muscle control & CNS pain.
I kept insisting to see a neurologist, and can't get into one for several weeks.
As the doctor immediately began altering my pain meds & Klonopin. Even being on normal dosage, I was having a lot of trouble managing anything. Six months have gone by. A pattern began to emerge. Usually a bad night would ensue, being jerked out of my sleep by involuntary muscle control, or shooting up in bed, when I felt I was falling off a building, crashing to the ground! Lucky I didn't fall off the bed. Then the vertigo starts, ear pain, and the dreaded Migraine pressure beginning in frontal lobes spreading into the neck & spinal column. Aruas, loss of vison on the left side & numbness in the face. Facial nerves start twitching, moving my head down, feeling nerves in the spine. Muscle lock & tightness. Unable to hold my phone or pick up a glass. Hands stiff curling up. Change in smell, taste, hearing etc.. I know this intense head pressure is not a normal migraine. I can actually feel my scalp get mushy, if press on certain places. The stiff neck is painful. Within 2 days of perpetual insomnia, like a sharp arrow going through my brain, I feel like I am on a battle field with gunshots firing.
Soon the the seizure like activity becomes relentless. I usually get a metalic taste in my mouth, when the constant persistan electric shock waves, run in an (S) shape down, back up in spine, full on seizure W/ uncontrollable muscle spams affecting my ability to walk, having to use my hips to make a step. This goes on for days, 10 times a minute. Involuntarily muscle jerks from the neck, arms, shoulders, spine and legs, become so compromised. As if all the muscles are being squeezed out of whatever cells protect them... It is the scariest thing to go through. All the major organs become compromised as well.
This goes on for 5+ days with no sleep whatsoever. I feel as though my immune system is attacking itself! I feel my cells scrambling quickly from the brain moving to different places in the body. Either trying to repair or attack the weak places. I feel as though my brain is starving & cell death is occurring.
Afterwards, I have nothing left. I am am unable to walk for 2-3 days. Muscles to weak to fight. As if battery acid has replaced the spent cell fluid from the tendons & muscles. My memory & speech impaired. Worse with each episode. I am helpless...
I know this is serious, wanting to be admitted several times.
I was afraid to be alone, after my care taker told me I fell 3 times, splitting my lip when I face-planted and having no memory of this, waking the next day wondering what happened. Did I have a seizure? I don't know...
I suspect this is a viral entity, I could fall into multiple categories. I've had Severe EBV at seventeen, taking a year to recover. The swollen lymph glands, nausea and infected lip with herpes type lesions are ongoing.
I was subjected to small particle flux burn-off, from galvanized metals, coming through my ventilation for over 2 years in 1988-1990. Which was the precursor to my accute onset. I think the metals never leave the body, settling into the brain and why I have so many neuro-cognitive problems, with a cyst in the left frontal lobe.
Being 90% homebound & bedridden with ME/CFS ever since. I was 28, I am now 55, having never really improved over the years. Pain & fatigue Scale remains between 8-10. Once in a blue moon a 7 is a good day...
My last attack was triggered by weeks of dense-smoke from State-Wide wildfires, here in Montana. It made sense, my brain was suffering from oxygen deprivation and carcinogenic overload.
I do my homework on your site. Reading the "Thirty Year learning Curve" and the CFIDS Townsend holistic approach from A-ZM. Seems like a good protocol, but is it affordable? And who can help me treat it?
I went to the physicians office, when all this was going on. Thinking he would admit me then & there. We had discussed having an EEG done, thinking this would be a good time to find out what is going on. He examined me, ran another metabolic panel, and a UA for kidney problems. When he pressed on my stomach, liver, and spleen. I about hit the roof! I needed my pain meds & Klonopin to have some relief needing to fill on Saturday. Blocking them till Monday. OMG! The last 48 hours I wanted to die!
I missed his call on Friday, calling straight away on Monday, while MIKE went to fill my scripts. I was told to come back, thinking he would go over my labs, hoping he found something, which gave me hope.
When Mike returned, he canceled the morphine. I could not believe he did that! Another 150 mile trip back. He pulled me in, in a very intimidating way, saying methamphetamine had come up in my UA? I was appalled he would even think that, adamantly denying this, expressing I would never take something like that, after 10 days of insomnia, all I wanted to do was sleep through it!
I told him I had taken promethazine, advair, albuterol and Zyrtec.
Dr. Knight abruptly dismissed me and did not even go over my labs before I left. It takes time to secure another provider, leaving me completely abandoned!
I have contaced pain clinics and any other doctor I could think of here, and no one is willing to help me.
I am now facing the same scenario as Susanna, when I described in her book.
Losing my Mom @34 was devasting. She was my support who diagnosed me. Being Solo, dont get help I need.
I went in Crisis into Mental Health and spoke to a head nurse at a pain clinic 200 miles away. Mental Health wants to admit me in a psychiatric unit and the head nurse, at the pain clinic, who I spoke with for a long time, went before the team of doctors there, calling me back saying, I should go to a chemical dependency center due to Dr. Knights referral. Dismissing all my Medical issues & immediate need for help! Its not right...
Narcotics can be a double edge sword, but I dont abuse or take more. I do lose hours in the month when I don't sleep. Usually 1-2 days. Over the years, I have been through them all. Having permanent vertigo and going off meds before. I would be a total vegetable, no quality of life, or able to take care of myself. This where patients consider ending their lives...
I have been so mistreated by the Medical community. I don't trust any of them or so called ethics! The state of Montana is the epitimy of backwards thinking!
I would think my records would speak for themselves & have fought hard to have some quality of life.
The very thought of having no recourse, or inadequate testing to find out what is causing the encephalitis and seizures is overwhelming!
My greatest fears have come true. It seems I am slipping through the cracks.
I know I need a team of doctors. Brain & Spinal MRI, Lumbar puncture, EBV titers, NK cell activity & the ANT-NMDH receptor. Any other tests that may help with Neuro Encephalitis? I have Medicare ins. Are there any Clinical settings, I could fly out to? I am originally from SLC, Utah. If you know any Specialists who treat ME in that area? IHC is a good Hospital & University of Utah. Finance's are difficult. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thank You, E.J. Collins
Critically Desperate
I recently watched "Her Brain Was on fire." I came from Kauai back to the mainland.
Knowing after a stressful event & travel I go into a relapse. But this time was different.
Since March of 2015, I remember I spent weeks in bed, not really remembering much about my first day after a 10 hr. Flight or the next month, other than feeling so bad, I thought I caught a strange flu. I remember vaguely, wondering around the house in a daze, feeling detached. I wasn't getting better. Then I recall the dog in the house was throwing up! That was strange.
27 years being a severe case of ME/CFS I knew something more was going on.
I frantically began searching the symptoms. Everything pointed to Viral Meningitis? If not treated I don't know how long this virus can stay in the body? It took me weeks to find a provider to help me manage my pain severity. In the past, I have had to stay on Klonopin to control the ME brain inflammation, neuro cognitive function, intense migraines, muscle control & CNS pain.
I kept insisting to see a neurologist, and can't get into one for several weeks.
As the doctor immediately began altering my pain meds & Klonopin. Even being on normal dosage, I was having a lot of trouble managing anything. Six months have gone by. A pattern began to emerge. Usually a bad night would ensue, being jerked out of my sleep by involuntary muscle control, or shooting up in bed, when I felt I was falling off a building, crashing to the ground! Lucky I didn't fall off the bed. Then the vertigo starts, ear pain, and the dreaded Migraine pressure beginning in frontal lobes spreading into the neck & spinal column. Aruas, loss of vison on the left side & numbness in the face. Facial nerves start twitching, moving my head down, feeling nerves in the spine. Muscle lock & tightness. Unable to hold my phone or pick up a glass. Hands stiff curling up. Change in smell, taste, hearing etc.. I know this intense head pressure is not a normal migraine. I can actually feel my scalp get mushy, if press on certain places. The stiff neck is painful. Within 2 days of perpetual insomnia, like a sharp arrow going through my brain, I feel like I am on a battle field with gunshots firing.
Soon the the seizure like activity becomes relentless. I usually get a metalic taste in my mouth, when the constant persistan electric shock waves, run in an (S) shape down, back up in spine, full on seizure W/ uncontrollable muscle spams affecting my ability to walk, having to use my hips to make a step. This goes on for days, 10 times a minute. Involuntarily muscle jerks from the neck, arms, shoulders, spine and legs, become so compromised. As if all the muscles are being squeezed out of whatever cells protect them... It is the scariest thing to go through. All the major organs become compromised as well.
This goes on for 5+ days with no sleep whatsoever. I feel as though my immune system is attacking itself! I feel my cells scrambling quickly from the brain moving to different places in the body. Either trying to repair or attack the weak places. I feel as though my brain is starving & cell death is occurring.
Afterwards, I have nothing left. I am am unable to walk for 2-3 days. Muscles to weak to fight. As if battery acid has replaced the spent cell fluid from the tendons & muscles. My memory & speech impaired. Worse with each episode. I am helpless...
I know this is serious, wanting to be admitted several times.
I was afraid to be alone, after my care taker told me I fell 3 times, splitting my lip when I face-planted and having no memory of this, waking the next day wondering what happened. Did I have a seizure? I don't know...
I suspect this is a viral entity, I could fall into multiple categories. I've had Severe EBV at seventeen, taking a year to recover. The swollen lymph glands, nausea and infected lip with herpes type lesions are ongoing.
I was subjected to small particle flux burn-off, from galvanized metals, coming through my ventilation for over 2 years in 1988-1990. Which was the precursor to my accute onset. I think the metals never leave the body, settling into the brain and why I have so many neuro-cognitive problems, with a cyst in the left frontal lobe.
Being 90% homebound & bedridden with ME/CFS ever since. I was 28, I am now 55, having never really improved over the years. Pain & fatigue Scale remains between 8-10. Once in a blue moon a 7 is a good day...
My last attack was triggered by weeks of dense-smoke from State-Wide wildfires, here in Montana. It made sense, my brain was suffering from oxygen deprivation and carcinogenic overload.
I do my homework on your site. Reading the "Thirty Year learning Curve" and the CFIDS Townsend holistic approach from A-ZM. Seems like a good protocol, but is it affordable? And who can help me treat it?
I went to the physicians office, when all this was going on. Thinking he would admit me then & there. We had discussed having an EEG done, thinking this would be a good time to find out what is going on. He examined me, ran another metabolic panel, and a UA for kidney problems. When he pressed on my stomach, liver, and spleen. I about hit the roof! I needed my pain meds & Klonopin to have some relief needing to fill on Saturday. Blocking them till Monday. OMG! The last 48 hours I wanted to die!
I missed his call on Friday, calling straight away on Monday, while MIKE went to fill my scripts. I was told to come back, thinking he would go over my labs, hoping he found something, which gave me hope.
When Mike returned, he canceled the morphine. I could not believe he did that! Another 150 mile trip back. He pulled me in, in a very intimidating way, saying methamphetamine had come up in my UA? I was appalled he would even think that, adamantly denying this, expressing I would never take something like that, after 10 days of insomnia, all I wanted to do was sleep through it!
I told him I had taken promethazine, advair, albuterol and Zyrtec.
Dr. Knight abruptly dismissed me and did not even go over my labs before I left. It takes time to secure another provider, leaving me completely abandoned!
I have contaced pain clinics and any other doctor I could think of here, and no one is willing to help me.
I am now facing the same scenario as Susanna, when I described in her book.
Losing my Mom @34 was devasting. She was my support who diagnosed me. Being Solo, dont get help I need.
I went in Crisis into Mental Health and spoke to a head nurse at a pain clinic 200 miles away. Mental Health wants to admit me in a psychiatric unit and the head nurse, at the pain clinic, who I spoke with for a long time, went before the team of doctors there, calling me back saying, I should go to a chemical dependency center due to Dr. Knights referral. Dismissing all my Medical issues & immediate need for help! Its not right...
Narcotics can be a double edge sword, but I dont abuse or take more. I do lose hours in the month when I don't sleep. Usually 1-2 days. Over the years, I have been through them all. Having permanent vertigo and going off meds before. I would be a total vegetable, no quality of life, or able to take care of myself. This where patients consider ending their lives...
I have been so mistreated by the Medical community. I don't trust any of them or so called ethics! The state of Montana is the epitimy of backwards thinking!
I would think my records would speak for themselves & have fought hard to have some quality of life.
The very thought of having no recourse, or inadequate testing to find out what is causing the encephalitis and seizures is overwhelming!
My greatest fears have come true. It seems I am slipping through the cracks.
I know I need a team of doctors. Brain & Spinal MRI, Lumbar puncture, EBV titers, NK cell activity & the ANT-NMDH receptor. Any other tests that may help with Neuro Encephalitis? I have Medicare ins. Are there any Clinical settings, I could fly out to? I am originally from SLC, Utah. If you know any Specialists who treat ME in that area? IHC is a good Hospital & University of Utah. Finance's are difficult. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thank You, E.J. Collins
Critically Desperate
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