Drug Equilibrant / Oxymatrine - long-term response


For those who have tried and responded well to Equilibrant / Oxymatrine, just wondering what their experience has been longer term.

I've only been using Equilibrant for about 5 weeks, but I've had a pretty quick and really dramatic reduction to brain fog / cognitive issues. Pain seems to have increased, esp in joints (but then again, my brain fog was so bad before, I prob just didn't notice it as much). Seem to have a bit more energy (but pretty low bar, since I'm mostly homebound, but I just put away already folded laundry and unpacked the dishwasher without a break, so that's exciting). I'm still trying to stick with same level of extreme pacing I've been using for the past 2 yrs, but now that my brain seems to have started working again, I think it's getting impatient with me :)

I've only been sick about 3-4 years, but mostly housebound for the past ~2 yrs. Tried valcyte, famvir, valtrex, namenda in the past with no response (I'll admit to somewhat feeling jealous reading about people's herxing responses to various meds). Also using some supplements (vit B shots/supplements, Kpax protocol, coq-10, neuroprotek), and I started using LDN and Equilibrium probiotic about 3 months ago. LDN seems to have had some subtle positive results. Inosine is the only thing I've tried so far and had a really bad response to.

Anyone have info on common patterns on people who have responded well either in the short run or longer term (e.g., length of sickness, bloodwork, other meds they did/didn't respond to, etc.)? I'm trying to keep my expectations realistic. But now that I've gotten a taste of life again without unrelenting, squinting to try to understand anything-type brain fog, it's hard not to feel a little hopeful.


Well-Known Member
There are some case studies here and here from Dr. Chia. The response seems to vary widely. Some have a very abrupt and positive response to it, others less so.

I've been taking it for over a year and a half at this point. It has not increased my functional capacity much but it has suppressed many symptoms as long as I keep taking it. I'm not sure what to do long term but I plan on taking it for the foreseeable future.

I've taken it along with inosine (since stopped), epivir, amantadine, and plan to trial fluoxetine soon, which was found to have antiviral effects against enterovirus. I do have blood work and tissue tests showing a chronic enterovirus infection.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
For those who have tried and responded well to Equilibrant / Oxymatrine, just wondering what their experience has been longer term.

I've only been using Equilibrant for about 5 weeks, but I've had a pretty quick and really dramatic reduction to brain fog / cognitive issues. Pain seems to have increased, esp in joints (but then again, my brain fog was so bad before, I prob just didn't notice it as much). Seem to have a bit more energy (but pretty low bar, since I'm mostly homebound, but I just put away already folded laundry and unpacked the dishwasher without a break, so that's exciting). I'm still trying to stick with same level of extreme pacing I've been using for the past 2 yrs, but now that my brain seems to have started working again, I think it's getting impatient with me :)

I've only been sick about 3-4 years, but mostly housebound for the past ~2 yrs. Tried valcyte, famvir, valtrex, namenda in the past with no response (I'll admit to somewhat feeling jealous reading about people's herxing responses to various meds). Also using some supplements (vit B shots/supplements, Kpax protocol, coq-10, neuroprotek), and I started using LDN and Equilibrium probiotic about 3 months ago. LDN seems to have had some subtle positive results. Inosine is the only thing I've tried so far and had a really bad response to.

Anyone have info on common patterns on people who have responded well either in the short run or longer term (e.g., length of sickness, bloodwork, other meds they did/didn't respond to, etc.)? I'm trying to keep my expectations realistic. But now that I've gotten a taste of life again without unrelenting, squinting to try to understand anything-type brain fog, it's hard not to feel a little hopeful.
Is this the best thing you've found for ME/CFS yet?


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It really sounds like a non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator is going to be available in the U.S. this year. When that happens I'm going to try to find a way to jump on that. I also hope to try Mestinon - maybe at the same time. I think my symptoms = wired, wired, wired and tired = really fit with reduced parasympathetic nervous system functioning. If I can bump up my vagus nerve functioning I think I have a chance.


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Well-Known Member
maybe at the same time. I think my symptoms = wired, wired, wired and tired = really fit with reduced parasympathetic nervous system functioning.

I have that "twired" feeling too. I need to get my brain to work enough to understand vagus nerve stuff.


Well-Known Member
I am ok on it I have been for years, I do only 2 a day, if I don't my acid reflux returns so I keep on it because of that. Every now and then I stop then acid reflux comes back then I start again. I don't notice any other benefits.

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