Exercise Induced Pain and the Immune System Webinar


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
It's quite technical but looks really interesting! I'm registering - I just need to remember to attend (lol)


Webinar: Exercise-Induced Pain and Analgesia: Role of the Innate Immune System

by PRF Team on 21 Oct 2016

PRF will host a webinar with Kathleen Sluka, University of Iowa, Iowa City, US, on Friday, November 18, from 12-1:30 p.m. Eastern (US) time/5-6:30 p.m. GMT/6-7:30 p.m. CET.

Sluka will discuss her research on immune mechanisms underlying pain responses to regular physical activity. After her talk, there will be a panel discussion featuring:

Hoeger Bement, Grace, and Bushnell

  • Marie Hoeger Bement, Marquette University, Milwaukee, US
  • Peter Grace, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, US
  • Catherine Bushnell, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, NIH, Bethesda, US (moderator)
Audience participation is encouraged! During the live discussion, participants will be able to submit questions to the panel. You can also submit questions now by emailing them to neil@painresearchforum.org.

Here is an abstract of Sluka’s talk:
Regular physical activity (exercise) can reduce pain in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain, whereas unaccustomed exercise can exacerbate pain. This apparent dichotomy in pain response to physical activity is poorly understood, making exercise prescription for individuals with pain challenging. The mechanisms driving this apparent dichotomy in pain response to physical activity are not well understood, and present a barrier to activity-based treatment.

We propose that this dichotomy may in large part be explained by the plasticity of the immune system, and is modulated by physical activity levels. We will discuss the role of local immune cells, muscle macrophages, underlying the effects of an acute bout of exercise on pain using recently developed animal models of exercise-induced pain and the effects of regular physical activity in preventing chronic pain. Understanding these interactions will give us a better comprehension of the underlying biology to improve the overall management of people with chronic musculoskeletal pain as well as prevent development of chronic pain.

Register for the live presentation and discussion.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Cool....Glad someone else is on top of this :)


New Member
Post exertional malaise question!!!
Also is this webinar available online?
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
My question is related to the fact
that in the third hour of a HIDA scan
the head of Nuclear Medicine said I
needed to walk a hall briskly five times and that might help the gall bladder
visualize. Serious malpractice as I
suffered a very severe case of post
exertional malaise after this incident.
Severe meaning, became bedridden with very very severe pain in my legs,
felt like the neuroinflammation was
the worst that I have ever had couldn't
focus on tv, couldn't read and
conversations were too much. This occurred × 15 days. My mental and physical endurance has been knocked
back from a 9 to a 3. I am on Famvir 500 mg and celebrex twice daily for fibromyalgia. Since post exertional malaise is cardinal symptom of CFS,
what are some opinions? Could I have
both cfs and fibro? Also my neck nodes have hurt since this incident and remained swollen. Please advice and help me with this issue.Told Dr, he got
upset with head of nuclear med but gave no advice. Is there anything to do to try to regain endurance?

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