I am new here, and saw a reference to muscles in the neck/spine/brain reading here, but can'f find it. It was about how severe muscle or nerve weakness can cause such severe fatigue you can not hold your head upright, you have to lay your head down. When I saw this it stunned me, as it describes what I thought was severe cognitive fatigue from brain abnormalities that effect my eyes/brain. Instead of lying completely flat and resting, I tried trying to support my neck area, thus supporting my head, by just leaning back, still sitting up, but with a soft neck collar. To my surprise that helped alot. All this time (years) I thought this severe fatigue was mainly from my eyes, but as I sit here now writing this post, I can still use my eyes, as long as I keep my head/neck area supported while lying back on support pillows in bed. Anyone with input, info welcome. Getting answers for medical issues has been so frustrating, I know many here are also looking for answers too.