

Active Member
Any experience with Famvir? What were you treating or just a general hope it may help your CFS?

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Well-Known Member
I've been on Famvir for over 2 1/2 years. I am positive IgG and IgM for CMV and EBV. Valcyte and Valtrex are supposed to be better for CMV but I can't tolerate them.

I can't say that it is getting me better but I'm pretty sure it is keeping me from getting worse and I know it's preventing a viral reactivation. I had two viral reactivations in 2014 and it was high doses of Famvir that pulled me out of it.

If you have viruses it's worth a try for sure. If not, I'm not sure of the point.

Dr Lerner used Famvir alot and so do many MECFS docs.


Active Member
I don't have EBV or CMV but I have high Varicella Zoster and HHV6. I realize this wont help against HHV6 but i remember i once had high herpes simplex. Who knows? Figured its worth a try.

Who Me?

Well-Known Member
@Strike me lucky knows about AV's. There are different AV's that work on different viruses so another might be better.

I totally agree about trying stuff. We may have some weird viruses they don't know about that the AV's might help.

I got acyclovir in 2012 and I know it helped me. It was subtle but that was good.


I took 4g/day for a while but unfortunately it didn't make any difference.

I was taking it while I was seeing the late Dr Lerner for treatment of EBV, CMV and HHV6 (high IgG only).

Antivirals as a class are pretty benign (with the exception of Valcyte) so it's definitely worth a try if you have high viral titers. It might also be beneficial to combine Famvir with an anti-inflammatory a la Pridgen as well.



Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Any experience with Famvir? What were you treating or just a general hope it may help your CFS?
Interesting that Lerner used Famvir since I think he had more experience than anyone with anti-herpesvirus drugs. Dantini uses it and I believe that Dr. Klimas uses it in combination with .......isoprinosine (???).I can't remember but I do believe she had a small study going with a combo treatment including Famvir. And there's Pridgen as well.

For years it seemed that all I heard about was Valtrex....

I've heard that Famvir is very safe.

There's this thread as well - http://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/valcyte-valtrex-and-famvir-experiences-lets-talk.3622/


Active Member
Interesting that Lerner used Famvir since I think he had more experience than anyone with anti-herpesvirus drugs. Dantini uses it and I believe that Dr. Klimas uses it in combination with .......isoprinosine (???).I can't remember but I do believe she had a small study going with a combo treatment including Famvir. And there's Pridgen as well.

For years it seemed that all I heard about was Valtrex....

I've heard that Famvir is very safe.

There's this thread as well - http://www.healthrising.org/forums/threads/valcyte-valtrex-and-famvir-experiences-lets-talk.3622/

Thanks Cort! By the way recently heard you on the fibro fix summit. Really enjoyed your presentation!

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