What a remarkable finding this is...perhaps an entirely new class of herpes virus drugs -all from a 50 year old drug that used to treat heart failure!
It comes from the University of Utah as well - right up Dr. Bateman's and Dr. Light's way. The researchers found it by screening drugs for herpesvirus inhibiting factors.
Spironolactone blocked infection by the Epstein-Barr virus by blocking a protein the virus uses in the later stages of herpesvirus infection.
Dr. Swaminathan - chief of infectious diseases at University of Utah Health Care and professor of internal medicine, commented:
"The researchers envisage SPR becoming a template for a new class of drug to treat all herpesviruses. They believe it can be modified to work as an antiviral without adverse effects, and that it can help in the fight against drug-resistant infections."
Expect to see a bigger blog on this on Simmaron...
It comes from the University of Utah as well - right up Dr. Bateman's and Dr. Light's way. The researchers found it by screening drugs for herpesvirus inhibiting factors.
Spironolactone blocked infection by the Epstein-Barr virus by blocking a protein the virus uses in the later stages of herpesvirus infection.
Dr. Swaminathan - chief of infectious diseases at University of Utah Health Care and professor of internal medicine, commented:
"It's remarkable that a drug we have used safely in the clinic for over 50 years is also an effective EBV inhibitor. It goes to show how basic research can reveal things we would never have found otherwise."
"The researchers envisage SPR becoming a template for a new class of drug to treat all herpesviruses. They believe it can be modified to work as an antiviral without adverse effects, and that it can help in the fight against drug-resistant infections."
Expect to see a bigger blog on this on Simmaron...