For Info: Compassion & Choices - End of Life Choices


Well-Known Member
I joined this organization, Compassion & Choices, probably 15 yrs ago or. I'm of the belief we SHOULD be able to make our own decisions when "it's time". UCLA is having a rally on March 16 to bring this subject to the forefront and to let the U.S. know it's available. I believe this organization was founded after the Hemlock Society was taken away from the population. To join is free, at least it was when I joined. It's all about support, dignity and choices.

Here is indepth info on the Hemlock Society which I did NOT know the history, now I do. This is now Compassion and Choices.

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Well-Known Member
9 States and the District of Columbia allow physician assisted death also called the Death with Dignity Law.
Most physicians are not on board with this so it is pretty hard to do.

Physicians are not on board as they want to push drugs and surgeries as they see $$$$$,
They are just about ALL brainwashed by industrial medical complex, and pharma.


Well-Known Member
Physicians are not on board as they want to push drugs and surgeries as they see $$$$$,
They are just about ALL brainwashed by industrial medical complex, and pharma.
I think it is more of a religion issue that makes it so hard for death with dignity laws to pass.

I also joined compassion and choices yrs ago.


Well-Known Member
May be some religion in there, but I don't trust the medical world as far as you can throw them...they are all about the big big greenbacks. The human thing to do is to assist someone who is so far gone and with hardly any hope of any recovering. Listen to some of Dr. Jack Keverokian's youtubes...and he's an MD, he was, he passed at 83, but he was put thru the wringer by the law regulators.

And yet we go all over the world killing, where is the religion there...again the greenbacks...another topic of course.

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