Free Chronic Lyme Summit!


There is a free, online chronic Lyme summit from April 4-11...they have a very extensive line up covering the gamut of topic including testing, treatment, and nutrition topics. There's even one on TCM that looks interesting to me!

Drs. Cowden, Minkoff and Horowitz, notably, are also giving presentations.

It should be a good one for anyone wanting to learn more about Lyme.

Sign up here:
I signed up - thanks for the link! I watched the free bonus interview with Dr. Minkoff and he seemed to hit every nail on the head, summarizing all the main issues we face and real, science-based treatments that are available within 40 minutes or so. Then, I did a google search on him and found out he was cited for malpractice in 2001 for prescribing meds to a lady he had never met, as they were both in the same Scientology community. So, he's a Scientologist...

My grandma lives about 5 minutes from his office, so I'm considering placing a call. Do we know more about this guy? Anybody out there visited his clinic? @Cort, perhaps you've seen his name pop up before?


I signed up - thanks for the link! I watched the free bonus interview with Dr. Minkoff and he seemed to hit every nail on the head, summarizing all the main issues we face and real, science-based treatments that are available within 40 minutes or so. Then, I did a google search on him and found out he was cited for malpractice in 2001 for prescribing meds to a lady he had never met, as they were both in the same Scientology community. So, he's a Scientologist...

My grandma lives about 5 minutes from his office, so I'm considering placing a call. Do we know more about this guy? Anybody out there visited his clinic? @Cort, perhaps you've seen his name pop up before?
Gosh, that is kind of disturbing. Any chance he's left the church in the last 20 years? I hate to discriminate based on someone's religion, but Scientology is in a class by itself.
Gosh, that is kind of disturbing. Any chance he's left the church in the last 20 years? I hate to discriminate based on someone's religion, but Scientology is in a class by itself.
I'll be following up with his office sometime this week, and I intend on asking them straight up if he's still affiliated with Scientology and how his intake procedure works. I agree that one shouldn't discriminate based on religion, but it's a stretch giving Scientology that kind of credit. Thanks again for the link, Remy!


Starting today!

Here's the line up...Horowitz and Cowden are only available for free for the next 24 hours.

Jay Davidson, DC, PScD
Heavy Metal Detoxification and Lyme Disease
  • Learn about the big 3 dangerous heavy metals
  • How to detox heavy metals with true chelators
  • The biofilm and heavy metal toxicity connection

David Minkoff, MD
Comprehensive Lyme Treatment Strategies
  • IV elemental silver and ozone treatments
  • Why antibiotics are not the answer
  • Importance of autonomic response testing

Connie Strasheim
Lyme Disease and Cancer
  • Top 8 anti-cancer and anti-Lyme nutrients
  • Antimicrobial strategies that also prevent cancer
  • Understanding toxicity with cancer and Lyme disease

Richard Horowitz, MD
MSIDS Model and Its Role in Driving Inflammation
  • Understanding the clinical diagnosis of Lyme disease
  • New persister protocols
  • Apps being created for Lyme disease

Lee Cowden, MD
A Comprehensive Look at Lyme Disease
  • A parasite that creates its own biofilm
  • Co-infections and its connection to illness
  • Most common misconceptions about Lyme disease


Today is all about nutrition with a focus on ketosis...

Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD
Grainflammation (Grains = Inflammation)
  • Why being gluten free is not enough
  • Understand molecular mimicry roles of gluten
  • Natural and safe ways to decrease inflammation

Dietitian Cassie, RD, LD
Food and Nutrition as They Relate to Lyme Disease
  • When to stay away from protein
  • Top 3 things to heal the digestive tract
  • Best supplements for gut inflammation
Jimmy Moore
A Practical Approach to Nutritional Ketosis
  • 3 benefits of a ketogenic diet
  • Different types of ketones and how to measure it
  • A nut higher in fat than a macadamia nut
Nikolas Hedberg, DC, DABCI, DACBN, BCNP
A Ketogenic Diet’s Role with Lyme Disease
  • Spanish-Mediterranean variety of ketosis guidelines
  • Why ketosis helps SIBO
  • Free app for phone and computer to help with sleep
Kate Hope, MS, CGP
Using the GAPS™ Diet as Nutritional Therapy for Lyme Disease
  • How to approach the 2 stages of the GAPS™ diet
  • Find out the 3 legumes allowed on a GAPS™ diet
  • The 2 ultimate GAPS™ foods


Today's line up! Biofilm, sugar and mold...

Shayne Morris, PhD, MBA, CNS
Biofilm, Bugs and Phage (Bacteriophage)
  • 3 ways Borrelia disguises itself
  • Why biofilm is the issue and not the bug
  • How a virus (not anti-biotics!) is the wave of the future
Jack Tips, PhD, CHom, CCN
The Gut Microbiome and Lyme Disease
  • Weed, reseed and feed way to restoring gut health
  • Herbs that are important in a pathogen purge
  • Unique Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) perspective
B.J. Hardick, DC
Nutrition Plan Steps Critical in a Bio-Detox
  • Horizontal gene transfer in food and coinfections
  • Retox vs. Detox
  • Supplements to stay away from during detox
Raj Patel, MD
Mold and Lyme Disease
  • How to reverse hyper-reactivity response from mold
  • Cutting-edge MRI test for mold
  • Dr. Patel’s 5-step approach to Lyme and mold
Connie Bennett
Sugar and Lyme Disease
  • Discover what sugar does to the body
  • Sugar’s 16-hour suppression of the immune system
  • Surprising adult beverage that turns to sugar


Thursday's speakers:

Bradley Bush, ND
A Lab Test That Actually Works for Detecting Lyme Disease
  • Unique test that doesn’t use traditional antibody response
  • Cutting-edge interpretation of this test
  • Drs. Bush and Jay’s personal experiences with this test
Robby Besner, BS
The Applied Science of Infrared Technology
  • Discover full spectrum infrared: Near, mid and far
  • Infrared applications for Lyme disease
  • Secrets with infrared saunas and mats (pads)
Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM
3 Phases of Lyme and Rife Technology
  • Tools to help in Phase 3 Autoimmune Lyme
  • Why Lyme & H. pylori have similar survival mechanisms
  • Frequency technology for cancer and Lyme patients
IV Vitamin C Treatment for Lyme Disease
  • 4 reasons Lyme sufferers don’t get well
  • Testimonials from using IV Vitamin C
  • At-home recommended tools and supplements


Last day!

Replays available tomorrow for free of all talks...

Trudy Scott, CN
Tryptophan and GABA to Ease the Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • How to take targeted individual amino acids
  • Pyroluria and the nutrients to take for it
  • Discover the neurotransmitter linked with low self-esteem
Erin Elizabeth
Recovering from Lyme Disease
  • Protocols used for recovery
  • Role of the mind in recovery
  • Tips for staying in remission
Niki Gratrix, BA, DipION, mBANT, CNHC
The Role of Stress and Emotional Trauma with Lyme Disease
  • 3 steps to address emotional trauma
  • Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • 3 ways stress and trauma affect you
Kenneth Stoller, MD, FACHM
Brain Conditions Have Infection with Them
  • Alzheimer’s link to Lyme disease and other spirochetes
  • Special antibiotic that doesn’t work like a typical antibiotic
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Sally Schutz, MD
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  • Oxidative stress and the disease it creates
  • BX Protocol
  • Learn the S.T.O.P. Technique


Just a short post on what you found of interest would be good. That should stimulate chat from there??
Yeah, I agree. It doesn't have to be anything comprehensive. Just anything that stuck out at you and made you say hmmmmm.....

I had a lot of those moments myself. In particular from the talk about the iSpot Lyme testing. That one is a stimulated cytokine test so it gives a baseline level of inflammation. He said if your baseline level is elevated (mine is!) it's unclear if you actually have Lyme, even if the Lyme result is positive because it might be a false positive based on an overall increased level of inflammation. In those cases, they start with interventions to reduce inflammtion and retest to see if anything changes rather than going straight on to antibiotics.

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