Free movie about how chemicals in food and GMOs can be harmful

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Well-Known Member
Sorry about the late notice, I didn't get a notification myself until yesterday. But I did watch this movie and if you get a chance, it puts a lot of things about chemicals in our environment in proper perspective. Most of the presenters are MD's and some famous names like Dr. Perlmutter participated. Many of these dots aren't connected when people talk about it. So glyphosate is bad... may not be connected to how to read the non-GMO label and the Organic label. Each has strengths, both are best. And why.

I think it "closes" tonight. There's a book also if you'd rather.


Active Member
There is no question that the food industry has the smoking gun. They run businesses that focus on profit and could care less about the ramifications of altering food to our demise.

The gut holds a majority of the immune system (Peyer's Patches etc) and when you invoke the immune response due to the chemicals, you get an inflammation mess. People with CFS have dysfunctional immune systems to begin then you are adding more stress to the immune response with these chemicals. Inflammation is a result of immune activation and inflammation causes a whole bunch of problems.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
There is no question that the food industry has the smoking gun. They run businesses that focus on profit and could care less about the ramifications of altering food to our demise.

The gut holds a majority of the immune system (Peyer's Patches etc) and when you invoke the immune response due to the chemicals, you get an inflammation mess. People with CFS have dysfunctional immune systems to begin then you are adding more stress to the immune response with these chemicals. Inflammation is a result of immune activation and inflammation causes a whole bunch of problems.

Yeah, it's no wonder that things like the Anti Inflammatory Protocol (AIP) are taking root.


Active Member
Big help for me (AIP). With ME, you get a dysfunctional immune response meaning you get a lot of food sensitivities. With this immune response you get lots of oxidative stress which damages cells, tissues and organs.

Elimination method, pulse testing or kinesiology testing can help reveal what is causing the problem.

Many of the problems stem from processed foods.

Not dead yet!

Well-Known Member
Big help for me (AIP). With ME, you get a dysfunctional immune response meaning you get a lot of food sensitivities. With this immune response you get lots of oxidative stress which damages cells, tissues and organs.

Elimination method, pulse testing or kinesiology testing can help reveal what is causing the problem.

Many of the problems stem from processed foods.
There's also a wealth of lab tests available (different depending on where in the world a person lives): Note, that list is two years old, so double check that the companies mentioned haven't been sold to someone unsavory.

The regular lab tests like, being able to ask for a full workup of the thyroid without having to beg a doctor for it, are really helpful. As are the allergy tests, both ordinary and more "alternative" such as the ones where they test to see if your blood cells react to (usually) 100+ possible allergens. Elimination diet (the medical procedure, not the "I'm going to avoid X for a month, then try it again"), is really arduous where you eat almost nothing but rice (or millet if rice is not tolerated) for a month, then start adding back one food item at a time. It's the last resort for most people and there are specific risks of too much rice (arsenic) or millet (goitrogen). I've had kinesiology at least 5 times and at no point did it actually produce a useful insight. I'm sure they were good practitioners, but it doesn't work for me. My migraines make my muscles crampy so it confuses the issue. Accupuncture and I don't get along either. Nothing against it, but it doesn't help me. The herbs do though. Rhemania especially.

I suspect that sound therapy, singing bowls, that sort of thing, would help me if I could find someone to do it. Migraines make a person very sound sensitive and I enjoy "brainsync" type music, especially delta wave inducing for sleep. I'm very much afraid that in our modern world the singing bowls will become extinct because mercury content was an essential element of the traditional ones. Anyway my energy level, even when I was healthy was dependent on achieving a deep state of relaxation and then rebounding into a high energy state. That was back when I could meditate reliably. It's hard to do now. Despite years of meditation and yoga, my mind will not calm down now. I assume it's because of the illness. I worked with a (medical, pain control) hypnotist for a while, and that was actually helpful because I could relax, but I needed the outside help to do so.

I haven't tried one of those "we test for 100+ allergies" type alternative tests though, because I don't like the attitude of the practitioners. Many of them lack the quality of mercy. A person, when faced with a possible 10 foods to cut out, is going to feel deprived. Their attitude seems to be that feeling deprived is the same as refusing to cooperate, and therefore treatment failure is the patient's fault. In my opinion, if you have 10 allergies, the question is, why is your immune system so overactive? How do you quiet it? The practitioners could use a bit more compassion and maybe some ideas for how to replace the flavor of favorite foods. We have a severely limited food system that sticks to just a few species of foods. A person could expand that easily, but the advice given is usually punitive like "stick with it or ELSE!" It's just not attractive, and sick people don't need another kick.

I feel the same way about some AIP/Paleo/Primal websites, where the majority are relatively healthy people who just want more energy and activity to maintain health. That's a world apart from where I'm at. I use many of those principles, but I often stay out of community discussions over there. There's a fitness assumption that most people need a "kick in the rear" to keep motivated. That doesn't work with sick people trying o get well. I prefer the analogy of sourdough. Healing is like starting a whole new starter... it takes a long time and you have to work on the strength of the sourdough for a long time before it's stable and easily activated.

I don't mean to get all negative on you. I brought up AIP myself. I just think that a person can run into trouble if the attitude of the practitioner one learns from is making absolute statements (like, healthy habits lead to health - well, yeah, unless you're too weak to take a daily walk, then what?). In short, always trust your instinct about the helpfulness of advice. You're your own best advocate, and if someone seems to not be taking you seriously, or making absolute statements, It's a danger sign that what they're really saying is "I don't know how to help you, so here's some general advice that works for most people."

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