I have full body uncontrollable body spasms. It's called "rigors" or "hypnic jerks" which is that uncontrollable body jerk you sometimes feel when you are falling asleep, except it doesn't stop. I once had it for 36 hours straight. When I finally made it to my doctor's office he said he'd even seen worse! I couldn't imagine it. I cannot control the jerking, it involves my full body, even my jaw! It's random, too, and will continue until I medicate.
I was prescribed a benzodiazepine called lorazepam (highly addictive), which is often prescribed for panic attacks. Which I had a history of many years ago, but no incidences in over a decade now. But the rigors, well they are most definitely stress related in my case. I push trying to stay awake when my body says I need to sleep, or if I cannot get sleep for 24+ hours it can bring on the rigors. If I'm overly upset or stressed AND tired I will certainly get rigors.
I just had an episode 2 days ago. Unfortunately, for me, the lorazepam makes me feel like a zombie for 24 hours and I have to sleep it off - even though this drug is supposed to only stay in the body 12 hours. That's just how it happens for me. Lorazepam definitely works, and works quickly, to stop the rigors. But I also have to be mindful of my stress level and how much sleep my body wants (oh no, it's not really a choice for me anymore lol).
I don't always feel cold when I get rigors. Where the description indicates you do. Nor do I have/get a fever like the description says. People with fibromyalgia sometimes experience the inability to regulate their body temperature and I often wonder if that causes the rigors or is in part responsible. Though I have heard that Type 2 diabetics can also experience this kind of symptom. I am T2 diabetic.
I have severe fibromyalgia, costochondritis, osteoarthritis, and other co-morbidities. For me, the rigors are stress related. Stress is always the trigger. It may or may not be the same for you. Look up "rigors" and "hypnic jerks" to see if either describes your situation. Good luck!