COPE Encyclopedia of Cellular Communication By Dr Horst Ibelgaufts, M.Sc, Ph.D
This 'CellSpeak' explains, among other things, what normal cells and cancer cells (in fact, all diseased cells) do, what the differences are and what they have in common, how normal cells turn malignant, how this process is regulated and may even be reversible, why some cancers metastasize and kill and others don't, why some treatments cure and others fail and why it's all so complicated. The work is for specialists and their students, but the use of this knowledge in medicine affects us all (watch a clinician's Eureka moment on COPE video). Below now is an explanation of all that 'CellSpeak' without jargon:
COPE Encyclopedia of Cellular Communication By Dr Horst Ibelgaufts, M.Sc, Ph.D
This 'CellSpeak' explains, among other things, what normal cells and cancer cells (in fact, all diseased cells) do, what the differences are and what they have in common, how normal cells turn malignant, how this process is regulated and may even be reversible, why some cancers metastasize and kill and others don't, why some treatments cure and others fail and why it's all so complicated. The work is for specialists and their students, but the use of this knowledge in medicine affects us all (watch a clinician's Eureka moment on COPE video). Below now is an explanation of all that 'CellSpeak' without jargon: