Check out a simply fantastic and lengthy article on Unrest, gender bias and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in Cosmopolitan.
Unrest, getting major media attention, knocks it out of the park again!
Unrest, getting major media attention, knocks it out of the park again!
"Scholars, meanwhile, theorized that the condition was a “culturally-sanctioned flight into illness” on the part of career women trying to take on too much. “‘Liberated’ by feminism to enter previously all-male occupations, women in the 1970s found themselves exhorted to ‘have it all’ by combining a demanding career with a rich and fulfilling family life,” according to a 1992 article in Psychosomatic Medicine. By the eighties, these “superwomen” were supposedly subconsciously looking for an excuse to slow down. A diagnosis of ME/CFS, a 1991 article in The American Journal of Psychiatry explained, provided a “legitimate ‘medical’ reason for their fatigue, emotional distress, and associated psychophysiological symptoms.”