The WHI trial was the deeply flawed study that used synthetic hormones to conclude that HRT was dangerous and bad. Turns out synthetic hormones are bad for you but biomimetic ones are beneficial. The WHI was just political to discredit HRT in general. Anthony William is against hormone replacement in general though he does stipulate that synthetics are worse than bioidenticals.Hi Remy.....................I believe most people will be suspect. There's not a bone in my body that is suspect and maybe because I've listened to him for the last 11 months so feel like I've really gotten to know him more and more and have had a reading with him and the fact that I am improving. The information in the book is just too detailed about the virus...............I mean really..........who would make all that up? Also the information makes sense to puts alot of the pieces of the puzzle together for me............But I am not here to convince anyone..............I've shared this information privately with a lot of people and to tell you the truth most do not seem that interested. I am mostly now spending my time on support groups that support the information he is sharing and we are supporting each other through the protocols.
I am not sure what you mean by ..."Did you feel like he was more intuitive than others"
I am sure he didn't mention antiviral drugs because he prefers herbal anti-virals.
What is the WHI trial you mentioned?
I've read some reviews where people said he didn't know anything they didn't tell him during the consult. I was just curious how much you told him vs how much he intuited himself.
I'm open minded about the whole thing. I know there is plenty in this world I don't understand and can't be logically explained. But my warning bells are ringing and I believe in paying attention to that intuition as well. The program he devised could have been divined from Spirit or from a solid reading of any number of websites and forums. It's just hard to know.